What do hamsters like to eat the most: treats, snacks, store-bought and do-it-yourself treats

The daily nutrition of small rodents is designed to maintain the physical health of the body, give it strength. But what hamsters like to eat “for the soul”, we will analyze in this article. Consider also what hamsters like from food that can be bought in stores, we will give examples of recipes for treats for self-preparation.
What to buy to make your pet happy
There are always a lot of beautiful packages on the shelves of pet stores, and sellers persuade you to buy this or that delicacy for hamsters. However, what ready-made products are suitable for your pet, what he will eat with pleasure, and what he will refuse, depends only on him. The owner can choose treats for the hamster based on his preferences, as well as taking into account contraindications for a particular individual, breed or species.
Manufacturers do not always use exclusively healthy ingredients in rodent products, so make sure that the hamster does not get with a piece of food:
- col;
- prison guard;
- fats;
- flavors, flavor enhancers, artificial sweeteners and other non-natural additives.
All these components are prohibited for feeding small rodents. Their use will cause poisoning, as well as a malfunction in the work of various body systems.
It is best to choose treats for your hamster, which include sunflower seeds, nuts, banana chips, dried vegetables and fruits. This is the favorite food of hamsters.
Consider what the stores offer:
- various mixtures of berries, fruits, grains, which can be additionally enriched with vitamins and various useful additives;

- grain sticks are also very diverse in their composition;

- tartlets;

- a delicacy in hemp will serve not only as a yummy, but will also be additional entertainment for your hamster;
- a labyrinth or a house, it is not only edible, but also a great place where a hamster can hide and rest.

What to cook yourself
If you couldn’t find a decent product in the store to please the animal, you need to understand how to make sweets and treats for the hamster with your own hands.
There are a lot of options for tasty and healthy dishes for little friends. It is very easy to prepare them. Here are some recipes:
- Mix banana pulp and oatmeal. Roll up balls. You can add some raisins.
- Cut well washed and dried lettuce and clover leaves, mix, add walnut kernels.
- To the grain mixture that the rodent usually consumes, add the egg white (you must first beat it a little). Form small cakes from this “dough”, bake until hardened in the oven at 30-60 Co.
The ingredients for salads and “cookies” can be varied independently, taking into account the preferences of a particular animal.
In addition to such homemade treats, you can also offer your baby seedlings of wheat, oats, and millet. Fresh greens are also on the list of what hamsters love the most. It will not be difficult to grow it: you need to take a small pot of earth, pour the remains of the grain mixture half-eaten by the animal into it, sprinkle it with soil and water it. After a few days, the first shoots will appear.
How to treat a jungarik
A delicacy for a jungarik should be selected according not only to his personal tastes, but also to the characteristics of the breed. Regardless of what Djungarian hamsters like to eat, it is categorically not recommended to give them sweets.
Some Djungarian hamsters like to eat insects (dried grasshoppers, worms) as a treat, gnaw on branches of fruit trees allowed for consumption. The recipes for homemade treats above are also suitable for tiny pets, only bananas are recommended for them to give no more than once a week.
How to encourage a Syrian
Syrian hamsters love all the same goodies from food as other rodents, so they should be fed based on general recommendations. As an encouragement, in addition to all of the above, the Syrian can be offered dandelion leaves. Some owners note that their pets prefer just such a treat.
Tips and Tricks
Choosing treats for hamsters is a pleasure for their owners. However, we must not forget that treats should be given in limited quantities, only to encourage training or for entertainment.
It is unacceptable to replace the main diet with delicacies!
Do not offer the animal goodies from your table – he should not eat chocolate, sweet pastries or sausage. Such foods will greatly damage his health.
Canned vegetables and fruits, as well as food intended for other animals, are also not the best choice.
If you buy special sticks and drops for rodents, carefully study the composition.
Manufacturers know that hamsters love to eat and include the most delicious ingredients in their products, but often they add harmful ingredients designed to keep the delicacy longer or enhance its smell.
Do not give the baby a lot of unfamiliar treats at once – first offer the animal a small piece and follow its behavior. If the animal behaves as usual for several hours, feel free to put a larger portion in the cage.
Remove stored treats from your pet’s pantries more often. Pieces can spoil and cause poisoning.
What hamsters like to eat: an overview of treats and snacks
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