What cereals can be given to guinea pigs

When starting a rodent, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing a menu in advance. Most often, guinea pigs eat ready-made industrial food, but treats and other types of food are added to it. You should know in advance the list of acceptable products in order to keep your pet healthy.
Expert opinion
Concerning cereals, the opinions of experts were divided. Part of the “pig breeders” categorically argue that such nutrition is a direct path to the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The second position is less radical: the owners allow rodents to occasionally feast on some varieties, but carefully consider the number, varieties, and frequency.
What is allowed to feed
Proponents who believe that it is okay to give guinea pigs cereals recommend the following:
- unpeeled oats;
- oatmeal brand “Hercules”;
- lentils;
- pearl barley;
- barley.
It is categorically impossible to cook porridge, all products must be dry and without heat treatment. Cereals must be mixed with grains, and such a mixture makes up 30% of the total diet. Violation of proportions leads not only to pet diseases, but also to obesity.
Strictly prohibited species

Under a complete ban are:
- millet;
- rice;
- corn grits;
- buckwheat.
These restrictions are associated with the slight mobility of the animal. Cereals contain an excess of carbohydrates, which is not converted into energy, but fat. The latter is collected not only under the skin, but also covers the internal organs, leading to their dysfunctions.
Also, cereals containing starch cause fermentation processes in the intestines: the pet constantly suffers from colic and bloating.
Knowing the rules for compiling a guinea pig menu, you can diversify it and pamper your pet in such a way as to maintain the health and activity of the animal.
Read about the benefits and harms of bakery and dairy products in the following articles “Dairy products and eggs in the diet of guinea pigs” and “Is it possible to give guinea pigs bread”.
What cereals can guinea pigs
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