What Cats Don’t Like
Of all the pets, cats are the most interesting to watch. While there is much in common in physiology and habits, each of them has completely different characters, habits, behavior and preferences. If you communicate with your pets for a long time, you can understand whether cats like this or that action, learn to recognize not only their positive emotions, but also fears. And, surprisingly, they are not so few.
What do cats not like?
Everything that cats cannot express in words, they convey through facial expressions, body language and various sounds. Therefore, each owner must learn to read and understand them. In the article – what cats do not like the most:
Cats, for the most part, can not stand the smell of citrus fruits, spices, spices, medicines. The sense of smell of this animal is 14 times stronger than the human one, which is why the cat reacts so sharply to smells that are unpleasant for her.
Cats don’t like a dirty litter box. And if for the owner it can look and smell normal, then it is perceived by the cat as smelly. She may start walking past the tray or marking corners in the house.
Cats do not like being transported from place to place. These animals prefer stability and homeliness and are very worried if they are deprived of their familiar environment.
They are afraid of loud and sharp sounds. Cats love peace and quiet, so it’s best not to create an additional source of stress for them.
They don’t like being stroked the wrong way or being touched on the stomach. They consider him the most vulnerable spot, so they usually do not allow him to be scratched or stroked.
Cats may be unhappy with stale food and water. Worn food discourages their appetite. If a bowl of water is next to food, the cat is unlikely to drink it. Many pets prefer to lap water straight from the tap or even from the toilet.
Most cats do not like to receive a lot of attention from their owner or other people. At the same time, some of them, on the contrary, suffer from loneliness and lack of affection.
The cat is afraid of cucumbers, bananas, zucchini and other elongated objects. And the point is not in the vegetables and fruits themselves, but in the fact that people, for the sake of the pet’s funny reaction, placed an object behind the cat’s back when he did not see it. The “funny” reaction is fear and incomprehension of how an unfamiliar object, which can be life-threatening, ended up where it had not been before.
Cats don’t like strangers in the house. Usually they are another cat or dog. The cat perceives them as competitors encroaching on its food, territory, toys and the love of the owner. For example, if a dog wants to play with a cat and starts wagging its tail, it perceives this as aggression and attack and reacts in exactly the opposite way.
Cats really do not like water and manicure procedures. If you do not accustom the cat to this from childhood, she will resist every nail clipping or bathing.
Many cats do not like to swallow pills. They are not only dissatisfied with their unpleasant taste, but also perceive the act of treatment as violence.
Cats quite often hate closed doors. They need open space to control their territory. And if they cannot connect their eyes and sense of smell, they demand to open the door.
How what a cat doesn’t like affects her behavior
Your pet can show its dissatisfaction with something or someone in different ways: hiss, meow loudly, squeal, scratch, bite. If the cat pursues the owner and constantly meows, it requires attention and affection.
Many cats hate small or too deep bowls, so they constantly pull food out of them and eat from the floor. The reason for this is the touch of the sides of the bowl with their whiskers, which causes discomfort during the meal.
The cat will dodge and squeak if stroked more than usual. This is due to her thin skin, the rough touch of which causes pain. She may begin to sharply bite and scratch when she sits on your lap while stroking.
Despite the fact that these animals are excellent swimmers, they do not like to swim. If a cat gets its coat wet or its paws washed, it will dust itself off and lick itself furiously to dry itself as quickly as possible.
Cat representatives are amazing in that they have a complex mental organization. And it is not always possible to guess what cats of a certain breed and temperament are afraid of. Every pet has its own reasons for dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is important to protect them from stressful situations and listen to what cats “say” with their behavior.