Ways to scare away wild bees
When wild bees settle in the country, be sure they will not let you rest in peace. Even if you do not have an allergic reaction to a bee sting, it will be very painful and unpleasant for you to feel it on yourself. Wild bees do not have to wait for your provocation to attack, very often they attack themselves, and they can attack animals too. With active movement in the place near which the bees settled, the danger may increase several times. But, fortunately, you can prevent unpleasant moments.
If you just destroy the nest, then the bees can get very angry and behave very unpredictably. It is better to get rid of them in the evening, when they all return home.
It is better, of course, if a professional takes out the bees, he can move the nest to another, safe place. But if you are going to do it yourself, you need to be very careful.
At the very beginning of the fight against bees, you need to get rid of the nest so that your efforts are not in vain. Find the place where the bees have built their home. Usually this is an attic, a greenhouse – which is very inconvenient for their expulsion. They can settle under stairs, roofs, walls and trees.
In order for the bees not to bite you from head to toe, put on a special protective suit, or just tight clothes, without folds, preferably with tight seams, without cutouts, so that the bees cannot get inside the suit. Be sure to wear a bee net and rough leather gloves. If you have never encountered wild bees before, then get some anti-allergic products, as you may not even know that you may be allergic to bee venom.
To deal with bees more effectively, buy a special smoker, this device is designed to smoke bees with smoke, you will also need a strong insect repellent.
First, fumigate the bee colony with a smoker to make the bees sluggish and lethargic. After that, spray a large amount of insecticide and close the entrance. Check carefully to see if the bees can get out and move the nest to a thick cloth or bag, tying it up well. Ready! Now just take it away from residential areas to be safe.
If you have to do the same procedure for breeding bees several times, think about what attracts them so much. Perhaps this is the smell of plants or flowers that grow in flower beds. In this case, plant something that will scare them away, such as aconite or delphinium.
Also, make sure that the bees do not return to their original habitat. Treat their former place of residence with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate, you can still use an insecticide on top. After that, you will no longer puzzle over how to get rid of wild bees.