water yarrow
Water yarrow belongs to the genus Myriophyllum, which includes 69 species of freshwater plants. An excellent option for any aquarium, it is distinguished by amazing endurance and unpretentiousness, able to withstand significant temperature drops even below the 5 ° C mark. Prefers bright lighting, although it may well develop in the water column, in the shade of other plants. The roots act as anchors, holding the plant in place, gravel with small particle sizes is optimal as a substrate.
Numerous thin leaves create a reliable shelter for fish fry, by analogy with Riccia floating, so the plant is preferred for spawning aquariums. The similar structure of the leaves also has negative aspects, various organic residues easily get stuck in them, especially in muddy water. The problem is solved by lightly shaking the plant or placing it next to the filter, where water is sucked in.