Water cooling in an aquaterrarium
There is a very simple way to lower the water temperature in an aquaterrarium using an internal filter. Just remove the sponge, you can even remove what it is attached to and put ice in the container. But remember that the water cools so quickly and you need to constantly monitor the temperature, turning off the filter in time. And in the sponge, beneficial bacteria live, so leave it in the aquarium, and do not dry it in the summer heat.
Another way to cool the water: they simply place closed containers with ice in the aquaterrarium, this allows you to quite a lot lower the temperature of the water. But this method is bad in that the temperature jumps rather sharply within large limits, and it is extremely difficult to control these jumps. Therefore, cooling water in an aquaterrarium with ice will suit you if you have a fairly large one and the water temperature in it does not change dramatically. Put an ordinary plastic bottle of water in the freezer and when the water cools down (does not freeze) let it float on the surface of the aquarium water. In no case should you pour water from the bottle directly into the aqua. this will cause a sudden change in temperature.
Another way is cooling water with coolers, based on the principle of water evaporation and temperature decrease. These cooling systems are usually homemade. 1 or 2 fans are installed on the aquaterrarium (usually those that are used in a computer and are installed on the case, power supply or processor). These fans are low voltage (rated at 12 volts) so moisture and steam are not dangerous. The fans are connected to a 12 volt power supply (the power supply is afraid of steam and moisture, therefore, in order to avoid electric shock, it should never be installed near water) Fans drive air over the surface of the aquaterrarium, thereby increasing evaporation and cooling the water.
Another easy way is to wrap the aquaterrarium with wet cloth (this will also cool the aquaterrarium). It is necessary to ensure that the fabric is constantly moistened.
And it is impossible not to say about another reliable method – the daily replacement of part of the water. The essence of this method is that part of the heated water is replaced by colder water and the overall temperature in the aquaterrarium decreases. In an extreme situation, you can even replace up to 50 percent of the volume of the aquaterrarium. In normal cases, this is 15-20% of the total volume.
For a long time in the assortment of various aquarium stores there are special coolers for aquarium water (or chillers, as professionals call them). This device, weighing about 15 kg, resembling a small box with hoses, is connected directly to the aquarium (or external filter) and, pumping water through itself, cools it. It has been experimentally established that in aquariums up to 100 liters in volume, the chiller can maintain a temperature 8-10 ° C below the ambient temperature, and in larger ones – 4-5 ° C. These “refrigerators” have proven themselves very well, they are reliable and do not require a lot of electricity. There is one minus – rather high price!
Let’s sum up!
The simplest tips to prevent overheating of water in aquaterrariums.
Firstly, in the summer you need to remove the aquaterrarium from the windows as much as possible, especially if direct sunlight enters the apartment through them.
Secondly, if possible, the aquaterrarium should be placed as low as possible, and it is better to install it on the floor. On the floor, the air temperature is several degrees lower than at a certain height from it.
Thirdly, install a floor fan in the room where the aquaterrarium is located, direct the air flow to the aquarium.
Fourthly, increase the pumping of water with air from the compressor – this will slightly increase the evaporation of water in the aquaterrarium.
Fifth, turn off the heating lamp. And be sure to control the temperature on the shore, as the lamp raises the temperature of the water.
Sources: http://www.aquatropic.uz/r2/ohlagdenie_vodi.html Sources: http://aquariuma.net/poleznyie-sovetyi/ohlazhdenie-vodyi-v-letnyuyu-zharu-peregrev-vodyi.html Material author: Yulia Kozlova