Walking ball for chinchillas: the right choice and DIY

Chinchilla only seems sedentary and calm. In fact, she loves to play, is friendly and active. Is in constant search of all kinds of entertainment. The owner should take care of the pet – there are many toys for rodents. A chinchilla walking ball is a great option for an active hamster, but it can be dangerous for a fragile mountain dweller.
Why is a walking ball dangerous?
Cons of a walking ball:
- in nature, chinchillas move by jumping, which is impossible in a ball;
- the design of this accessory is traumatic: animals have fragile bones;
- the temperature regime for a chinchilla in a ball is also not suitable – this is a closed space where a chinchilla can lose consciousness from overheating;
- the animal does not get pleasure from the toy, but only tries to get out of it, which looks like a fun run around the room.
As a rule, this ball entertains only the owner of the animal, for the animal this is torment.
If you decide to use this accessory, then follow the tips below.
What is a walking ball for?
Pros of a walking ball:
- such a ball is very convenient to use;
- with the help of this device, the animal walks around the apartment, and the owner does not have to worry that it will get lost in a large apartment;
- worries about the fact that the animal will ruin something from furniture or wires will go away – they will simply not be available to him.
The ball is made of durable material – plastic with good strength. It has many holes (small), they serve to ventilate the air. It is divided into two hemispheres, which unwind, the animal sits inside. After that they are closed.
Important! Ventilation may not be enough and the animal runs the risk of fainting.
Accessory selection
A walking ball for a chinchilla should be chosen taking into account what size your pet has. If the product is too small, then the back of the animal will be curved while running, and this is uncomfortable for him. An accessory that is too big is also not an option – the animal will fall from side to side and he will quickly get tired of this entertainment. It should be taken into account which slots are in the ball. The paws should not fall into them, otherwise injury may occur.

Various models are on sale. There are hollow spheres that move in different directions, at the request of the animal. There are also models with a track – the trajectory will be set initially.
When buying, preference should be given to transparent and well-ventilated spheres, otherwise the animal may overheat inside. Any color can be chosen, but it is desirable that it be transparent for better visibility of the home traveler.
How to use this toy
In order for the chinchilla to feel comfortable in the ball, you should introduce the animal to it gradually. First, leave inside for no more than 3-5 minutes. Keep an eye on the animal, “training” should be fun. Otherwise, the rodent will get stressed.
To interest the chinchilla, you can put a piece of your favorite treat inside. After a snack, the owner should begin to slightly rotate the sphere so that the animal understands the principle of operation of this accessory.
If the organizers of the walk of the animal were children, it is important to ensure that it is removed from the ball in time.
Terms of use
Before accustoming a chinchilla to a new toy, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its use:
- The sphere should be twisted tightly enough, otherwise the walk will not work.
- The ball must roll exclusively on the floor. Do not place it on a window sill or any high surface, otherwise injury to the animal may occur.
- Ensuring safety is an important point: access to the stairs should be limited.
- Do not try to put two chinchillas into the ball, oddly enough, such precedents happen.
- Isolate other animals if possible, as a cat or dog can suddenly startle the animal by kicking or rolling the ball.
- Do not help the sphere to start moving, the chinchilla herself must bring it into action.
A chinchilla in a ball can fulfill its physiological need. During movement – it can get out through the holes, the owner will have to get out.
Another nuance: over time, the mount wears out. This can happen unexpectedly, so do not be surprised if the toy suddenly shattered, and the animal set off to continue its journey around the apartment.
Do-it-yourself walking ball for a chinchilla
A walking ball for chinchillas is easy to make yourself. A simple plastic bottle will do. We cut it and straighten it carefully. You can take a bottle of any volume, the main thing is that it fits your animal in size. Movement in it should be comfortable.

A five liter bottle is perfect. Close it with a lid first. The bottom needs to be cut, but not to the very end, but so that the chinchilla can crawl through. Don’t forget to make small air holes. After that, move the incised bottom and run the animal inside. Watch carefully as she moves. In no case do not insist, if the animal is unhappy and in a bad mood, then release it from a homemade ball. Try again later when it’s ready to experiment.
If it seems to you that the chinchilla liked the new toy, and she is happy to walk around the house in the ball, still do not leave it in it for a long time. Half an hour for active entertainment is enough.
And most importantly, remember, while the chinchilla is in the ball, it is not she who is having fun, but you. Walking, both in the ball and without it, exposes the animal to great danger. This is an unnatural burden for a fragile rodent.
If you want to bring joy to the animal, immediately make him a large showcase or a cage with toys. The most luxurious gift for a pet is an equipped room for permanent residence, fenced off from other rooms with a mesh or glass.
Video: walking ball for chinchilla pros and cons
How to choose or make a walking ball for a chinchilla with your own hands
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