Vitamins for pregnant cats
Vitamin complexes will help normalize the cat’s metabolism, ensure the normal course of pregnancy, prevent kittens from literally “sucking” calcium from the mother’s body, protect the cat from adverse environmental factors, and strengthen the immune system. And also allow the animal to recover faster after childbirth and feeding kittens.

Vitamins for dry food
If the basis of the cat’s diet before pregnancy was industrial feed, then the owner should transfer his pet to the feed of the same line, only intended for kittens up to a year old. Baby food contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. For a pregnant cat, they are also quite suitable.
The norm of food for kittens, which the cat should receive daily, should be agreed with the veterinarian. With such feeding, any additional vitamins are usually not required.
Vitamins when feeding with natural feed
A completely different situation develops if the cat eats natural food, especially not very balanced. With such feeding, the cat must additionally be given vitamin complexes or balance the diet so that the pet receives a sufficient amount of the necessary substances with food. A pregnant animal must receive the necessary daily intake of vitamins A, D, E, C, group B and trace elements. The easiest way to achieve a balanced intake of vitamins is to give special complexes for pregnant cats, which the veterinarian will help you choose.

The lack of vitamins and microelements can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Thus, a critical decrease in the level of calcium in the blood of a cat when feeding kittens can lead to convulsions and even partial paralysis. Vitamin A is involved in many metabolic processes, its deficiency can lead to decreased vision in a cat and weakened immunity. B vitamins help in the proper development of the fetus, and are also responsible for the condition of the skin and coat.
It is very important to remember that not only a lack of vitamins is dangerous, but also their excess. Owners of pregnant cats need to carefully choose the manufacturer of vitamins and vitamin complexes so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the cat.
November 26, 2019
Updated: December 3, 2019