Vallisneria (lat. Vallisneria) is a genus of aquatic plants belonging to the Vodokrasovye family (Hydrocharitaceae). In nature, they are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Eurasia, Australia, as well as numerous islands and archipelagos between the Indian and Pacific oceans. Plants grow in various biotopes. These can be rivers, lakes, marshes and brackish waters in coastal regions.
The genus Vallisneria was first studied by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Named after the Italian scientist, naturalist and physician Antonio Vallisneri.
All types of Vallisneria have a similar structure – these are long leaves resembling ribbons connected to a rosette. Depending on the specific species and growing conditions, they can reach more than a meter in length (height). Aquariums tend to be limited in growth.
Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. The latter method is most common when kept in an aquarium. During vegetative propagation in an adult plant, lateral creeping shoots appear on which new shoots are formed. After a month, young plants can be separated from the mother plant and placed on the ground.
Most species of Vallisneria are similar in appearance, which has caused a lot of confusion in the names both in the scientific community and among aquarists. The confusion with the names has been going on for more than a dozen years. This has led to the fact that very often the same plant can be supplied under different names that refer to other species.
They are considered one of the most popular aquarium plants, largely due to their unpretentiousness. Vallisneria are able to grow in various conditions, do not impose high requirements on the composition of water, temperature and light level. Successfully rooted in any soil. Easily propagated by side shoots.
In aquariums, they are often used in the design of the background. The leaves of the plants reach the surface and spread along it, therefore, when growing, excessive shading of the aquarium is possible.
Thanks to its hard, strong leaves, Vallisneria can be used in aquariums with herbivorous fish. Also, these plants successfully tolerate low-salt water and successfully adapt to high pH and GH values.
Pick up plants
Vallisneria “Mini Twister”
Vallisneria americana
Vallisneria giant
Vallisneria nana
Vallisneria natans
Vallisneria neotropica
Vallisneria spiralis
Vallisneria tiger