Vallisneria nana
Vallisneria nana or Vallisneria mini, sometimes called Dwarf Vallisneria, scientific name Vallisneria nana. In the wild, it grows in water bodies in the north and west of Australia, as well as on nearby islands such as New Zealand. It has a relatively modest size compared to other types of Vallisneria, which allows it to be used even in small aquariums.
Vallisneria mini grows up to 50-70 cm with a leaf blade up to 2 cm wide. However, in aquariums, geographical forms are mainly represented with narrower leaves of only a few millimeters. The leaves have rounded tips and ribbed veins. In favorable conditions, they acquire a dark green color.
Propagated by seeds and side shoots. In aquariums, the most common reproduction of this plant occurs vegetatively, when the mother plant forms numerous shoots creeping along the ground. Young sprouts appear on each shoot, which soon turn into separate plants. Due to the rapid growth, pruning should be carried out regularly, removing new shoots.
Dwarf Vallisneria is unpretentious and easy to care for. However, unlike other Vallisnerias, this species is more demanding on the level of lighting, so the plant should not be shaded. Successfully rooted on various substrates (sandy, gravel, rocky), not demanding on the main water parameters. In aquariums with fish, no additional fertilizers are required, since the organic matter necessary for growth will be formed naturally.
Basic information:
- Difficulty of growing – simple
- Growth rates are high
- Temperature — 10–30°С
- Value pH — 6.0–8.0
- Water hardness – 2–21°dGH
- Light level – medium or high
- Use in an aquarium – in the background
- Suitability for a small aquarium – no
- spawning plant – no
- Able to grow on snags, stones – no
- Able to grow among herbivorous fish – no
- Suitable for paludariums – no