Utricularia graminifolia
Utricularia graminifolia or Pemphigus herbaceous, scientific name Utricularia graminifolia. The plant is widely distributed in tropical Asia from southern China and India to Thailand and Myanmar. It grows everywhere: in swamps, shallow sections of rivers along the coast, on damp moist soils near the water’s edge.
It was introduced as an aquarium plant in 2007 by the Danish company Tropica and has now become a popular groundcover.
Utricularia graminifolia develops creeping creeping shoots (stolons) with herbaceous linear leaves of light green color. Root organs (rhizoids) securely hold the stems on the soil surface. When grown above water, such as in a paludarium, light purple flowers may appear.
Like most other Bladderworts, this species is a carnivorous carnivorous plant. Stolons, leaves, and even rhizoids are covered with tiny trapping vesicles that trap and digest microorganisms.
Bladderwort is believed to be safe for fish fry and shrimp offspring.