Uncleanliness in the house
Cats are usually very picky when it comes to toilet habits and will always use the litter box (if available) if they live in the house or go outside for this purpose. If a cat uses some other area of the house as a toilet, this can be a very alarming signal.
Single incidents may occur if the cat is sick, locked in a room, or suddenly frightened. If inadequate defecation in the house occurs for a certain time, you should figure out what’s wrong.
Whatever the reason, punishment is not the answer. It will only intimidate the animal and exacerbate the problem. Repellents such as foil, peppers, citrus peels, or a water gun will only force the animal to choose another place to defecate, increase its anxiety, and prevent the true cause of such behavior from being established. Despite all the unpleasant moments, you must remember – this is not a protest! The cat does not try to take revenge or prove something; something has gone wrong in her life and you will have to become a detective and find out what it is.
How to wash a stained area
Regardless of whether the incident happened by accident or not, if the cat once chose a place for defecation, thanks to its sense of smell, it will return there for the same purpose and again.
The best way to wean her off is to keep her away from the area for as long as possible, eliminate any odors that might point her to the area, and rearrange the furniture a bit to limit access to that area of the house. It is necessary to wash the surface with a 10% solution of biological or enzymatic washing powder, then rinse with cold water and allow to dry.
Why is my cat shitting in the house?
There can be many reasons why this or that cat starts to shit in the house. Below are the most common ones and possible solutions to the problem:
Illness: Urinary tract disease or diarrhea can lead to bowel movements. the cat feels discomfort or simply cannot use the litter box or go outside. Possible solution: Intervention by a veterinary surgeon usually helps bring the animal’s habits back to normal. Sometimes, even after it, cats continue to shit in the house, because they experienced discomfort using the tray, so you may need to put an additional tray somewhere else in the house. Older age: Older cats may not want to go outside in bad weather or find it difficult to use the special cat door due to limited joint movement. As a cat ages, it begins to feel less secure and threatened in the presence of other cats in its territory. Possible Solution: It is almost inevitable that at a certain age, a cat will need a safe and comfortable litter box in the house. Buying a regular cat litter box can often solve this problem. In older animals, it is also extremely important to rule out medical reasons for defecation in the home. Fear or Anxiety: Outdoors, cats are most vulnerable to defecation, and if they feel threatened, they may avoid doing so. The biggest problem is other people’s cats, as well as a neighbor’s dog or just a sudden loud sound. Possible solution: Putting a few litter boxes inside the house will help relieve anxiety, and it will also save your cat from having to find a secluded place to do their business. You can also accompany your pet when he goes out into the yard. Your cat may simply choose a litter spot far enough away from home – you should try to make your own garden more attractive to her in this sense. Choose a quiet area close enough to the house (so that the cat can quickly return to the house) and mix peat-free soil and sand with more earth. Presence of Strangers: The cat may be forced to do all her chores in the house if a stranger is present in the house and she needs to go through the room where he is in order to get to the tray or door to the street. Some cats suffer from loneliness when their owners leave and leave them to guard the house. If a cat is cared for by a stranger, it may feel unsafe and will mark its territory, especially the owner’s bed, which has a strong, familiar scent. A possible solution is to put an extra litter box in the room where your cat usually seeks shelter in case the need catches her off guard. The best way to stop your cat from misbehaving while you’re away is to close your bedroom door tightly and ask someone you know to watch her while you’re away. Some cats find it particularly difficult to be left alone, so they are much better off at a cat inn that has a reputation for quality care and is listed by the FAB. cats is amenable to correction using the techniques indicated above.