Types of domestic turtles: description, lifestyle, diet and requirements for keeping at home
Turtle is a beautiful animal belonging to the order Reptiles. Turtles are considered the oldest creatures that were among the first to appear on earth. In the wild, these animals live in the tropics, as well as in places with a predominance of a temperate climate. Turtles can live both on land and in water.
To date, terrestrial species have been actively used as pets. Consider the main types of domestic turtles.
Land turtles are divided into two types:
- land;
- freshwater.
Types of land turtles
Central Asian tortoise
Among the species of domestic turtles, this animal is considered the most popular. These are exactly the creatures that a person most often sees when he comes to visit his friends and acquaintances. These are very clumsy animals, which are characterized by extremely slow movement. It is worth noting that this turtle is listed in the Red Book, which means that, by law, its sale is prohibited. However, pet stores do not pay attention to this. In the wild, the main habitat is Central Asia.
The turtle has a light-colored shell with dark shields. The limbs are characterized by the presence of four fingers. To keep this species in a terrarium, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 30 degrees. It is also worth bearing in mind that from a psychological point of view these animals do not like closed spaces, it is this fact that explains the rapid death of turtles.
mediterranean tortoise
This species has about 20 subspecies, which are characterized by living in completely different climatic conditions. These turtles are very fond of heat and direct sunlight. Each subspecies has its own characteristics: the size and color of the shell. The maximum size reaches 35 cm. On the back of the thigh of this turtle, you can see a tubercle of horny tissue. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have spurs. The content in the terrarium involves maintaining a temperature of about 25-30 degrees.
Egyptian tortoise
These animals are extremely small. The maximum shell size is 12 cm. The color is yellowish with shields bordered by a dark stripe. There are no spurs on the hind legs. In the wild, they live mainly in Egypt, Israel, Libya. Like most other species, the temperature in the aquarium is required in the range of 24-30 degrees. These turtles have some peculiarities in behavior. So, for example, when any danger approaches, the animal immediately buries itself in the sand.
Balkan turtle
This species can be confused with Mediterranean tortoises in appearance. The main difference is the small size of the shell, about 15-20 cm. The color of the shell is light brown with dark spots. The younger the turtle, the brighter its color. Another distinguishing feature is conical spike, which is located at the end of the tail. The main habitat in the wild is Southern Europe, namely the Mediterranean coast. It is worth noting that the turtles that live to the west are much smaller than those that are located in the east. At home, the maintenance of the species is possible at a temperature of 26-32 degrees.
Types of freshwater turtles
European bog turtle
This species has 13 subspecies. The tortoise shell is low and smooth. The length of the animal is about 35 cm, the average weight of individuals is approximately one and a half kilograms. The color of the shell of turtles is dark green. The head, neck and paws are covered with light spots. The fingers have large, sharp claws and webs. View characterized by a fairly large tail, the length of which is ¾ of the length of the entire body of the turtle.
In the wild, these animals can be found in different regions of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, etc. Ideal conditions for the habitat of the species are lakes and ponds. Individuals are most active during the day. The view is one of those listed in the Red Book. Keeping at home assumes a temperature of 22-25 degrees, and air about 30.
Pond slider
Of all the species, this one is most often bred by city dwellers in their aquariums and terrariums. All 15 subspecies of red-eared turtles are classified as so-called decorated. They got this name because of the red or yellow spots that are located near the ears. The sizes of individuals are about 18-30 centimeters. young turtles have a lighter color shell. The head and paws are decorated with stripes of rich green color. The species has gender differences: males have a more powerful tail and nail plate.
In the wild, they are found in Mexico, America, the USA, less often in Australia, Spain, Great Britain, Israel. The optimal habitat is swampy shores of reservoirs and ponds. Individuals of the species are very lazy, slow and inactive. At home, turtles must be kept at a water temperature of about 28 degrees, air 32.
Far Eastern tortoise
Another name for the species is Chinese trionyx. These individuals are an exception to all rules. The fact is that, unlike the usual hard shell, these turtles have a soft “house”. Dimensions reach 20 cm, the surface of the shell is leathery, soft, without shields, the color is green.
It cannot be said that the shell is the only part that this species can surprise with. A little it’s unusual to see a trunk instead of a nose and observe the presence of only three fingers on the paws. If somewhere in China a small trunk sticks out of a reservoir, you need to remember that this is a feature of the Far Eastern turtles. At first glance, this species is very cute and completely defenseless, but they have a secret here too. On the jaws of Trionix there are special sharp edges, thanks to which the animal can grab prey. In addition, it is worth noting the increased mobility of individuals and the speed of reaction.
For humans, these turtles are also very dangerous, as they often show aggression, bite and are very difficult to tame. The only way to find a common language with individuals is to grow in captivity from birth. The main habitats are China, Japan, the Russian Far East. The most popular habitats are water bodies characterized by a weak current. Chinese and Japanese highly value the meat of these turtles and consider it a delicacy. Closed terrariums for keeping at home involve maintaining a water temperature of about 26 degrees, and air – 32.
Caspian tortoise
Individuals of this species have a flat, oval shell of an average length of 30 cm. The color is dark green with yellow stripes. Also, stripes can be noted on the head and limbs. Also the species has sex differences: males have a concave carapace and a thicker and longer tail.
In the wild, they are found mainly in Southern Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, the Caucasus, Iraq, and Iran. The most favorable living conditions are reservoirs with both fresh and salt water, with the presence of coastal vegetation. This species of turtle has a unique ability to climb mountains to great heights, and also live for about 30 years. For keeping at home, a certain temperature is required: water -18-22 degrees, air – 30-32.
So, keeping turtles in captivity implies the presence of favorable conditions:
- ultra-violet rays;
- required water and air temperatures;
- terrarium or aquarium;
- the ability of aquatic turtles to go on land.
Thus, today there are quite a lot of species of domestic turtles. Each of them requires certain care and has its own characteristics. The choice always remains with the person who has the right to choose which pet will please the eye every day.