Training a budgerigar: how to teach him to speak, basic rules, methods and methods of training
Undoubtedly, the signature feature of a large number of parrots is the ability to speak them. Wavy birds are also not deprived of this opportunity. And teaching them to talk is no more difficult than any other kind of parrot. To do this, you just need to have patience, perseverance and a desire to realize this amazing task. Some people believe that parrots talk by understanding words. This is not true. Someone claims that these birds have an internal voice recorder that randomly reproduces sounds.
But it turns out that both sides are right in their own way. After all, the correct answer is quite interesting – the bird really understands what it says. At the same time, not always, but not at the level of words, but with the help of the same reflexes, thanks to which cats understand our “ks-ks-ks”. That is why it is desirable to educate a parrot in such a way that he speaks situationally. This task is not easy enough, but why not try to implement it? So, first, let’s figure out why parrots talk?
Why do parrots talk?
Some believe that this is how they communicate. And indeed it is. parrot skill imitating the sounds of the environment is very helpful for birds in their natural living space. This is necessary in order, so to speak, in relation to parrots, so that they skillfully socialize in their bird society. In fact, this is how they learn a complex language from their relatives, which is necessary, for example, to attract a female.
But this feature of them also works in cases where budgerigars are not in their natural habitat. It can be at home too. If a bird hears that something is being said to it very often (or even just a few times), then it will certainly try to repeat it. But for this it is important to consider one point. Wavy parrot must perceive a personwho trains him like a true friend. In no case should you be nervous if you suddenly fail to achieve the desired result. This will only scare him away and the learning process will only stagnate, and there will be no benefit from it.
Onomatopoeia in parrots is still subject to situational influence. For example, it often happens that the bird that has learned to speak continues the phrase said to it quite calmly. And sometimes the birds can even sing. This is a very nice sight. And the parrot can also sing a duet with your owner. In general, great, but how to teach a budgerigar to talk and sing?
Basic rules for teaching parrots to talk
From the very beginning, every person who wants to train a wavy representative of a talking species to make something more than a squeak needs to understand that for parrots this should be entertainment. He should not perceive the learning process as work. In this case, he will be distracted, which will negatively affect efficiency. Also you need to follow these tips.to make the learning process as efficient as possible.
- Never cover the cage. Some owners of budgerigars believe that in this way the bird will stop being distracted by third-party stimuli. But in practice, it turns out that this only frightens the unfortunate animal, which leads to an increase in the negative impact of your factor on it. And this undermines the feathered trust in you. And how useful and necessary it is, has already been mentioned earlier.
- You can start teaching a bird to sing and talk only when it trusts you. This has already become clear. But how to check? Everything is very simple. The bird should not be afraid to sit on your finger. If you manage to put it on your hand, then in theory there should be no problems with learning.
- Consideration should be given to who will train the bird. As a rule, one person should do this from the very beginning. Budgerigars, like any other species of these birds, are very fond of communicating with people. And it is very good if he has a friend who wants to teach him his language. Why not take advantage of this opportunity for the bird if the owner of the parrot wants it?
- Parrots should be taught to talk from a very young age. There is an observation that younger birds learn to talk better and their diction is much simpler than that of adults.
- The difference in learning is also observed between representatives of different sexes of these birds. In terms of the speed of learning to talk or sing, males are much better than females. At the same time, the latter are much better at reproducing human speech. So if you have a female, then you need to apply much more patience. But the result will be much better.
- There should not be any extraneous sounds during training. All this is perceived as a general picture, which can distort either the learning process itself, and this will lead to a decrease in its effectiveness, or the result will be slightly different from what you would like. The bird can reduce the quality of the reproduction of those words against which the noise will be pronounced, since they will also record it.
These tips are quite simple, but when you follow them, then birds will learn quite simply even if they are females and their age has gone far beyond adolescence.
Instructions for teaching budgerigars to talk
Teaching parrots to talk is essentially the same as teaching a baby words and descriptions of what it means. In general, the very essence of learning comes down not so much to the very process of repeating the same phrases ten times, as to talking with a chick. What needs to be taken care of so that the parrot can talk?
- From the very beginning, you should see if he is hungry. Believe that if the bird does not eat enough food, then it will speak on its own without your help. Only the words will not be the ones that you would like to hear. They will turn out a little abusive. Okay, this is a joke. But anyway the parrot will be sick and the stress he is under will negatively affect learning. You can teach a bird to speak only when it is not stressed.
- After that, consider if there are any other stressors. By the way, many of the extraneous noise elements discussed in the previous section can not only be reproduced by a bird, preventing you from enjoying a clear pronunciation of words, but also significantly frighten it. And everything comes to the same conclusion as in the last paragraph.
- Next, take care to make friends with the bird. This should be done smoothly and gradually. Communicate with them, treat these animals affectionately, you can stroke and feed deliciously. After all this, she will understand that you do not wish her harm and she will more willingly meet you halfway. After the budgerigar will easily sit on your finger, proceed to the next step.
- Then we move on to learning. It is important to understand that the more emotionally you will repeat the necessary statements, the better. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. In biology, there is such a term as the optimum zone. If the strength of the stimulus is too weak, then you will not see any reaction. But if it is above the norm, then it can end quite sadly for the psyche. If everything works out, then it will just be a waste of time. It’s not just that they say that when training dogs, you should try to give a stimulus of average intensity so that the dog learns to respond to it properly. You can also experiment yourself. Turn up the volume so the neighbors can hear. After that, your ears will either immediately hurt, or your head will ache in the future. The same goes for parrots, which must also be trained when training.
- It is very good to connect words with situations. For example, you can give the bird to eat with the words “I want to eat.” After some time this stimulus will become habitual for the wavy animal and he will begin to repeat these words himself when he demands to eat. So you will understand that indeed, the time has come for incredible food.
If you follow these tips, then the chick will catch a real pleasure in learning. But at the same time, do not forget to create boredom for him. This is the most efficient method. In this case, you need to make learning to talk the only entertainment available to the parrot. At least for a while, remove toys from him, for which the last money in the pet store was given. After training, it will be possible to return them to their place. Let them be his reward for teaching him how to speak.
Not only for the parrot, trying to teach him to talk should be fun, but also for you. You should enjoy this. Then this sincerity will additionally dispose to trust. It is important to remember that animals have much better intuitionthan humans, so don’t be nervous. Even if you do not give it away, the bird may notice instability in your nervous system, which will definitely pass on to it.