Top 5 mistakes in feeding aquarium fish
The aquarium has always been considered a decoration of any room, but it is necessary not only to keep it clean, but also to properly care for its inhabitants. One of the highlights is the feeding of aquarium fish, in which, unfortunately, beginner aquarists make many mistakes. In this article, we will talk about the main problems and how to avoid negative consequences for your pets.
1. Overfeeding.
Perhaps the first and most common mistake is overfeeding. The fact that fish need to be fed more often and more is a delusion that most people who have recently bought an aquarium succumb to. Firstly, this can lead to filter clogging, as pets do not have time to eat all the food. Secondly, the food that remains on the ground begins to oxidize (rot) over time and forms toxins that are harmful to fish. In addition, overfeeding negatively affects the health and physical condition of aquarium inhabitants.
Understanding that you are overfeeding your fish is very simple, there are several signs that indicate this:
fish do not have time to eat the entire portion of food within a short time after feeding (usually 2-3 minutes);
after feeding, food remains on the ground are noticeable;
the aquarium quickly becomes cloudy;
the amount of algae in the aquarium increases.
If you notice any of the above signs, then it’s time to adjust the feeding of the fish in the aquarium. Otherwise, such a diet will lead to diseases of your little friends.
2. Incorrect feeding frequency.
The second and no less common mistake is the wrong feeding frequency. The number of feedings per day depends on the age of the fish. Adult fish can be fed only 1 time per day, it is better to give juveniles food 2-3 times a day in the morning and in the evening in small portions. If you want to feed the fish more often, then having determined the daily rate, simply divide it into several servings.
3. Choice of food. Fish food varies according to their age. For example, for fry and adult fish, food will be radically different. The choice of food also depends on the type of food. For example, bottom-dwelling fish require special sinking foods, while others are better suited for floating pellets.
Don’t feed your fish food from your table!
4. Dry zooplankton as the basis of the diet.
Many novice aquarists prefer dry zooplankton (gammarus, daphnia) for their fish, however, as a basis, this type of food is not useful for aquarium fish. Dry zooplankton is not a balanced food. It does not have the same nutritional value as specialized feeds.
5. Monotonous food.
The last mistake on our list is the monotonous diet. Today there are a huge number of different foods, but many give their aquarium fish the same food every day, and this is wrong. Periodically, useful changes should be made to the diet: this will allow you to grow healthy fish.
In our article, we have listed the main mistakes in feeding aquarium fish. They are often performed not only by novice aquarists, but also by those who have had an aquarium for a long time. But these are just some of the points, and we recommend that you carefully study the information on a particular type of fish.