Top 10 Most Popular Pets: Cute Pets
Scientists still cannot figure out when a person first had a pet. Several thousand years ago, our ancestors tried to domesticate wolves. They understood that animals can be of great benefit in hunting.
Of course, now there are very few such daredevils. People choose more harmless animals that have long adapted to live next to humans.
The most common animals are dogs and cats, but it is not necessary to opt for them. There are other pets that can keep you company and save you from loneliness.
Below is a ranking of the most popular pets.
10 Ferret
In Russia, ferrets entered the category of pets relatively recently, only 10-15 years ago. Domestic ferret no different from its wild counterpart. He leads a nocturnal lifestyle, is active, frolics, and sleeps during the day. But these animals are very charming, easily trained, playful.
Do not forget that a ferret can harm its owner. Another reason why this pet is not suitable for everyone is a specific smell. Life expectancy is 8 – 10 years.
Features of care. Caring for a ferret is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The first step is to prepare the apartment, make sure that there are no cracks and holes in the floor and walls. The animal loves to climb into a secluded place and can get stuck. It is better to limit the freedom of the ferret to a cage or at least one room.
We’ll have to accustom him to the tray, cut his claws. The ferret is a very fragile animal, it must be protected from cold, heat, falls … If you are not ready to treat it like a crystal vase, it is better to choose someone else.
9. Rat
Rats are called ideal pets. They have many benefits. They easily get used to any mode, adapt to a person. They are interesting to watch. They are affectionate, smart, clean. They will help relieve stress, and most importantly, they are easy to maintain and do not require large material costs.
Rats love communication. It is better for busy people to opt for other animals, or to purchase two rats at once. Perhaps their only drawback is their life expectancy. Rats live 2-3 years.
Features of care. As already noted, rats do not require special care. All they need is a spacious cage, bedding, water and food. Owners of rats should remember that “walks” around the apartment should only take place under supervision. A pet can ruin personal belongings, gnaw on wires.
8. The guinea pig
Good option – cavy. These animals have a calm, docile nature and love to play. Guinea pigs can’t live without socializing, so if you’re away from home a lot, think about company for your pet.
The animal spends most of its life in a cage, but it is necessary to take daily walks around the apartment. With a lack of movement, he may have health problems. The average life expectancy is 4 – 8 years.
Features of care. Guinea pigs are unpretentious, their maintenance does not require large financial investments. You will have to spend money on a cage, if there are several animals, then it is better to choose a more spacious one. You should provide your pet with toys so that he does not get bored. Mandatory procedures – nail trimming, bathing as it gets dirty.
7. Turtle
Exotic animal. Not very popular, although ideal for busy people. The turtle does not need to be combed out and walked, it will not scream and get underfoot, spoil furniture and things.
These cute creatures are fun to watch. Playing with them will not work, although some owners of turtles do not agree with this. Animals can be picked up, but it should be remembered that they do not really like it. Turtles – centenarians (depending on the species), life expectancy from 20 to 80 years.
Features of care. If you decide to have a turtle, be prepared to spend. A spacious terrarium, an ultraviolet lamp is not a cheap pleasure. Many prefer not to buy a terrarium, then the turtle lives on the floor. This is wrong, in such conditions the animal will not live long.
Depending on the species, turtles need to carry out hygiene procedures: cut their claws and beak (only land). Detailed information on the care of each species is best obtained from a veterinarian.
6. Rabbit
This cute animal will bring a lot of joy to its owner. Usually they have a light character, they are happy to accept affection, playful. Rabbits are very fond of children.
If your child is still small, it is better to wait a little with the purchase. These animals are very fragile, painful, easily injured and die. By the way, the rabbit will not like the neighborhood with a dog or a cat either. The average life expectancy is 5 – 7 years.
Features of care. Rabbits very difficult to care for. They need a spacious cage, and preferably an aviary. The pet will be able to monitor the cleanliness of the fur coat on its own, but the owner will have to monitor its health. And very carefully. They are afraid of drafts, a fall from a small height can result in a spinal injury.
5. Hamster
Unpretentious, friendly, smart. They attract people with low cost and ease of maintenance. Hamsters are nocturnal, so it may seem that these animals are inactive and inactive.
They easily get used to the hands and even amenable to training. But they do not live long, no more than 3 years, depending on the type and state of health.
Features of care. Animal care should begin with choosing a good cage, equipping it with everything you need: a drinking bowl, a feeder, a toilet. You can provide a hamster with an active lifestyle with the help of a wheel, a labyrinth and a special ball for walking around the apartment.
Otherwise, hamsters are not pretentious. It is enough to provide the pet with food and water, cut his claws and regularly change the litter in the cage.
4. A parrot
Not everyone will like to live next to a parrot, although at first glance it may seem that they do not cause any trouble, they are not.
They communicate by screaming, you have to forget about silence. They are not very clean, there is a lot of dirt from them. They easily cause damage: spoil things and other household items.
But next to them will never be bored. Parrots sociable, trainable, they can be taught various tricks.
In addition, they are long-lived pets. Depending on the species, life expectancy can range from 10 to 100 years.
Features of care. Parrots are easy to care for. Before buying a pet, you need to prepare a cage, toys for him and stock up on high-quality food. The only difficulty is cleaning.
Parrot owners will have to regularly clean the cage, as well as wash the bird. Parrots do not really like to swim, this can also be difficult.
3. Fish
Of course, fishes unlikely to be able to cheer up their owner, but they have many advantages over other pets. They calm, doctors even recommend starting them for people with an unstable psyche. In addition, the aquarium contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the apartment.
There will be no problems with them: you don’t need to walk, take care of their hair, they are silent … Ideal pets. Their lifespan depends on their size.
Features of care. Fish need an aquarium. It is not necessary to buy a huge one, you can limit yourself to a budget option, but you should make sure that the fish have enough space in it. You need to regularly change the water, take care of aquarium plants and, of course, fish.
Mandatory procedures are feeding and observation. It is better to count pets every day, and also pay attention to their appearance and behavior.
2. Dog
Everything seems to be known about dogs. People turn them on for various reasons. Someone for protection or hunting, someone for friendship and love, someone for prestige.
In any case, dog – this is the most faithful friend who will bring many positive moments to the life of any person. The average life expectancy is 10 – 13 years.
Features of care. Dogs are easy to care for. You don’t have to spend money, you need to purchase ammunition for walking and toys. Quality food, a visit to the veterinarian, hygiene procedures (depending on the breed) – that’s all a dog needs.
The owner should prepare for long walks and provide the dog with an active lifestyle. Even representatives of the smallest breeds cannot do without walks.
1. Cat
The most popular pets. It can be said that cats do not carry any benefit (except that they catch mice), but people love them very much.
Despite the independent and freedom-loving nature, cats can also be friends. They bond strongly with their owners.
There is an opinion that fluffy pets have a positive effect on the health and nervous system of a person. The average life expectancy is 12 – 18 years.
Features of care. The cat does not require large investments. Need a tray and filler, food and toys. Animals are quite unpretentious. In many ways, care is determined by the breed of the animal. Most cats need brushing and nail clipping.