Top 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world
There is an opinion that the fashion for thoroughbred animals appeared relatively recently. It is fundamentally wrong. The desire to emphasize one’s special status with the help of an animal goes back to the mists of time. But as for cats, they began to be associated with prestige only from the 50s of the twentieth century.
But an animal is not a fancy car or an expensive smartphone, it needs care and love. Unfortunately, the high cost of a kitten is not a guarantee of his happy life.
Before you get a cat, you need to think carefully. When choosing, it is worth focusing not only on external data, but also on character. Animals of different breeds differ in behavior and attitude towards people.
In this article, we have compiled the top 10 most expensive cat breeds, look at their photos and see the prices for kittens. You can find out what distinguishing features they have.
10 Serengeti, up to $2
Serengeti bred by American Karen Sauzman by crossing Bengal and Oriental breeds. These are large animals (up to 15 kilograms) with well-developed muscles and a long tail. The coat is short, the color is spotted. In appearance, representatives of this breed resemble a serval. Character. Stubborn and stubborn animals that will never back down from their goal. If the cat decided to play with a ball, you can hide it as much as you like, she will find it anyway.
The animal is strongly attached to the person. The feeling of fear is not familiar to the Serengeti, they can even attack a large dog. These animals love to walk, so they are prone to escaping.
9. LaPerm, up to $2
This breed, like many others, was formed by accident. A female breeder has discovered that one kitten is different from her siblings. He was curly. After a while, she took part in a cat show. The unusual cat interested the judges. The breed was named laperm (Perm translated from French – perm).
Animals of this breed have a small body, their weight usually does not exceed 4 kilograms. A distinctive feature of laperms is wool, which resembles mohair, it can be either short or long.
Character. Cats are very inquisitive, they do not like loneliness. It is very important for them to communicate with the owner. These are quite kind animals, they will not come into conflict with other pets. They are loyal to children, but will not tolerate familiarity.
8. Elf, up to $3
The breed with a beautiful name was bred in 2006 by crossing the Sphynx and Curl. Elves Ideal for people who suffer from wool allergies.
The maximum weight is 7 kilograms, the body is strong with well-developed muscles. As you already understood, they have no hair. There are many folds on the body.
A characteristic feature is the huge ears, wide at the base and rounded towards the top. Pretty cute animals, but not everyone will like such a cat because of its unusual appearance.
Character. One of the friendliest breeds. The cat is strongly attached to the owner, loves children and easily finds a common language with other pets. Elves are smart, they will not be naughty and mischievous, they love to watch their home.
7. Toyger, up to $4
The breed was bred by selective selection, the ancestors are Bengal cats. Thoroughbreds round are very expensive. In Russia, one can count on one hand the catteries where cats of this breed are bred.
The name of the breed is translated as “toy tiger“. Broad bone, muscular body, they are very similar to wild cats. The maximum weight is 7,5 kilograms. A distinctive feature is stripes, which can be not only in the form of classic rings, but also various bends or broken lines.
Character. Toyger is a companion cat. They have a complaisant disposition, they are characterized by intelligence. Animals are friendly, love to play and spend time with family members, adore children. They get along well with other animals.
6. Bengal, up to $6
Bengali the breed was bred artificially by crossing a Far Eastern wild cat and an ordinary domestic cat.
Quite large animals, the weight of a Bengal cat can reach 7 kilograms, and females are significantly inferior to males in size. The Bengal is easy to distinguish from other breeds. These animals have a spectacular spotted color.
Character. Bengal cats are friendly animals. They do not show aggression, on the contrary, they require love and affection. Good with children, playful.
A distinctive feature of this breed is the love of water. They love to swim, frolic, play with trickles from a tap or shower.
5. Safari, up to $10
There is a lot of controversy about this breed. Some scholars do not see the difference between safari and Bengal. The ancestors of the safari are the Geoffroy cat, Siamese and Bengal breeds.
Large animals, the maximum weight is 13 kilograms, although there were cases when males reached the mark of 17 kilograms. Almond-shaped eyes, thick tail, dense coat of spotted color – these are the main signs of a safari cat.
Character. The animal gives the impression of a ferocious and stern, but do not be afraid, in fact they are friendly and sociable. They are attached to the owner, but easily endure loneliness.
Safaris are playful, they have a highly developed hunting instinct, so they should not be kept together with rats, mice, birds and other small animals.
4. Chauza, up to $12
Chausie – descendants of a wild reed cat, crossed with a domestic short-haired cat. They are much larger than ordinary cats, their weight can reach 15 kilograms, and this is not the limit. In appearance, they also differ from the pets we are used to: a predatory profile, large ears with black tassels.
The real pride of the Chausie is the coat, it is short and shiny. Color combines up to 5 shades. A refined and unusual breed, Chausie cats are worth the money they ask for.
Character. Usually animals are friendly, they love their owners, but they do not tolerate when affection is imposed on them and, moreover, they try to pick them up. Recalcitrant, independent, hyperactive, fearless, not every person can handle such a cat.
Numerous problems in education will easily be solved by themselves if the owner does not try to subdue the animal, but tries to find an approach to it.
3. Caracal, up to $15
This expensive animal looks more like a lynx than a cat. This is a wild animal, a predator, the maintenance of which will require a lot of money, time and effort.
If you are not afraid of difficulties, and also have the right amount, you can take a chance. In this case, you will not be the only lover of the exotic. There are many examples of “friendly relations” between caracal and man.
Caracals are large animals, the average weight is up to 19, the maximum is up to 25 kilograms. They have a bright and interesting appearance. The lower part of the body is lighter, the ears are black, dark spots may be present on the muzzle.
Character. It all depends on upbringing. It should not be forgotten that this is a predator that can show aggression at any moment. Domesticated caracals are not dangerous to humans.
2. Savannah, up to $25
A hybrid of a serval and a domestic cat. The weight of the animal can reach 15 kilograms. Main characteristics: long graceful body, short tail, huge ears. Another feature of the savannah is the spotted color, it is the same as that of wild counterparts.
Character. Calm, non-aggressive animal. Savannahs are usually loyal to their owners. Easily get along with other pets. Playful, but this is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. During the game, they can bite or scratch a person, ruin furniture, walls and even the ceiling. Savannas jump very high, up to 3 meters in height.
1. Usher, up to $100
Exotic expensive and rare breed. Ancestors Asher – Asian leopard, African serval and ordinary domestic cat. It has some similarities with the savannah, but is still separated into a separate breed.
The size of the animal is impressive, its weight ranges from 12 to 14 kilograms. They seem somewhat disproportionate, the back looks a bit heavy. The coat is short, the color is spotted.
Character. Animals have high intelligence, they are smart and quick-witted. Ashers are sociable, they will make friends not only with all family members, but also with other pets.
They love to play and walk. You can only take them outside on a leash. However, this is a good occasion to once again demonstrate their stable financial position.