Top 10 largest sturgeons in the world
The sturgeon family is considered a valuable fish species. According to scientists, the first generation appeared 80 million years ago – in the prehistoric period. Gradually, due to human activity, the population is getting smaller, so most of the fish belonging to the “sturgeon” family are strictly protected.
Sturgeons, of which there are more than 20 species, choose salty, sea waters for life, but prefer to spawn in fresh water. They also have a characteristic appearance – the body of all fish belonging to the “sturgeon” group is elongated, and the average weight of these inhabitants of the deep sea reaches 200 kg!
We bring to your attention the top 10 largest sturgeons in the world.
10 Sterlet
Adult weight: 20 kg.
The presence of a fringe on the antennae is what distinguishes Sterlet from their brethren. In addition, she reaches puberty earlier than others. Prefers fresh water for life, loves to eat leeches, larvae, as well as invertebrates, less often – fish fry.
As a rule, the size of an adult does not exceed 25 kg. Inhabits the Baltic, Black, Caspian and Azov seas.
The sterlet differs in color depending on its habitat, but its main color can still be distinguished – it is a grayish back and a light yellowish belly. Sterlet is blunt-nosed and sharp-nosed. It has characteristic long antennae, in addition, the fish has an interesting elongated nose, as you can see in the picture.
9. white sturgeon
Adult weight: 20 kg.
White (Aka Californian) sturgeon has a slender and elongated shape. She lacks scales, like all “sturgeon” fish. In amateur conditions, individuals up to 20 kg predominate, but larger specimens are also found.
The California sturgeon prefers slowly flowing streams. White sturgeon is a bottom fish, it feeds and lives at great depths. Uncontrolled fishing has led to the fact that the number of sturgeon in the central basins has decreased by 70%. The US and Canadian governments are taking steps to restore the sturgeon population.
8. Russian sturgeon
Adult weight: 25 kg.
Unfortunately, Russian sturgeon close to extinction. It lives in large rivers, for example, the Kuban and the Volga (spawns there), as well as in the seas: the Caspian, Black and Azov.
Worms and crustaceans are food for the Russian sturgeon, and he never refuses to eat fish. His belly is light, and the sides are gray, the back in the whole body is the darkest part.
In the natural habitat, a representative of the “sturgeon” can interbreed with sterlet or stellate sturgeon. It is easy to understand what species this fish belongs to, the sturgeon’s antennae do not grow near the mouth, but near the nose, in addition, it happens that the weight of an adult reaches 120 kg.
Interesting fact: once a huge sturgeon was caught in the Volga – it reached a length of 7 m 80 cm, and weighed about 1440 kg!
7. Adriatic sturgeon
Adult weight: 25 kg.
Adriatic sturgeon belongs to a rare and little-studied species. At the moment, it is very rare in the Adriatic Sea basin, the species is probably almost extinct, therefore it is listed on the IUCN Red List.
Government agencies are trying to restore the population. The Adriatic sturgeon was first described in 1836 by the French biologist Charles Lucien Bonaparte (1803-1857).
In the sea, it lives at a depth of up to 40 m, adheres to the pre-estuary sections of rivulets. The recorded maximum length of the Adriatic sturgeon was 200 cm, and the weight was 25 kg. The diet of fish includes small fish and invertebrates.
6. green sturgeon
Adult weight: 25 kg.
green sturgeon (otherwise Pacific) – one of the largest fish representatives of the “sturgeon” in North America. By the age of 18, a sturgeon already weighs 25 kg. It is characterized by rapid growth, as well as a life expectancy of 60 years.
This species is little known, in addition, until recently, scientists considered it extinct. It really was ruined by civilization, but, it is worth rejoicing, the sturgeon is alive and continues to fight!
In Russia, green sturgeon is common in Sakhalin, as well as in Primorye. Often found in the Datta River. His snout is pointed and elongated. The back is usually olive in color, but there are individuals and a dark green color.
5. Siberian sturgeon
Adult weight: 34 kg.
Siberian sturgeon – a long-lived fish, on average it lives 50 years. Lives in small and large Siberian rivers. It grows slowly, gradually gaining weight up to 25-35 kg.
The Siberian sturgeon, like other representatives of the sturgeon family, has a characteristic antennae on its chin. The mouth of the fish is retractable, there are no teeth. It is distinguished from other species of the family by a pointed head and gill rakers, resembling a fan in shape.
It feeds on insects, larvae, and is also not averse to eating mollusks and fish. Leads a demeanor lifestyle. If the Siberian sturgeon crosses with the sterlet, then a hybrid will be born – a bonfire.
4. Amur sturgeon
Adult weight: 37 kg.
Amur sturgeon (Aka shrenka) is a relative of the Siberian sturgeon. He was not lucky in the same way as some other species of “sturgeon” – he is close to extinction and, of course, is listed in the Red Book.
It differs from other species in gill membranes, a small mouth, and it also lacks plates between bugs. Lives only in the Amur in the area from the mouth to the Argun. Starts spawning at the age of 14.
Shrenka feeds on crustaceans, mayflies, fry and larvae. It happens that the sturgeon reaches 80 kg. About half of the body length is reserved for the snout. Amur sturgeon prefers flowing and fast water.
3. Stellate sturgeon
Adult weight: 90 kg.
Stellate sturgeon – a close relative of the thorn and no less interesting fish – sterlet. Has an elongated body. It differs from other representatives of the “sturgeon” family by its snout – the head of the sturgeon is flattened to the tip. The snout is 70% of the length of the head. The back is dark brownish, almost black, while the sides are much lighter.
The weight of the largest individuals sometimes reaches 90 kg (the largest weight for the Danube). Stellate sturgeon is most common in the Black, Azov, and Caspian Seas. Lives for approximately 30 years. The diet of stellate sturgeon includes worms, fry and various crustaceans.
2. Chinese sturgeon
Adult weight: 200 kg.
According to scientists, the Chinese sturgeon belongs to the “oldest” species, and existed on the planet about 140 million years ago. It lives in the coastal Chinese seas and is protected by the state due to the threat of extinction (for the capture of the Chinese sturgeon, a very serious punishment is imposed – imprisonment for up to 20 years).
Having reached puberty, the sturgeon migrates to the rivers. Most often found in the Zhujiang and Yangtze rivers. Chinese sturgeon is one of the largest species of freshwater fish – their weight can reach 200, 500 kg.
1. Atlantic sturgeon
Adult weight: 250 kg.
In Russia Atlantic sturgeon can be found in the waters of the Kaliningrad region. In many countries, it is under strict state protection, because. the largest representative of the sturgeon family is close to extinction.
The Atlantic sturgeon can be recognized by its appearance – its eyes are located in the upper part of the head, they are large in size, and the head is elongated.
The body structure resembles a shark. Fish spend most of their lives in coastal waters. The life expectancy of a sturgeon can reach 100 years.