Top 10 biggest ants in the world

Top 10 biggest ants in the world

Ants belong to the family of insects that live in large groups. They have several castes: winged females and males, wingless workers. Their dwellings are called anthills. They build them in the soil, under stones, in wood.

There are more than 14 thousand species of ants, some of which differ in their size. More than 260 species can be found in our country. They live all over the world except Iceland, Antarctica and Greenland.

The largest ants in the world seem small and insignificant to us, but their role in the life of the planet is huge. They help to control the number of insect pests. They are used for food. These insects loosen and fertilize the soil, increase productivity in regions with a hot climate.

10 Nothomyrmecia macrops, 5-7 мм

Top 10 biggest ants in the world A species of one of the most primitive ants living in Australia. It was first discovered in 1931, described in 1934. Several expeditions of scientists tried to find representatives of this species in order to study in more detail, but could not do it. They were rediscovered in 1977.

Nothomyrmecia macrops are considered medium-sized ants, ranging in length from 9,7 to 11 mm. They have small families, which include from 50 to 100 workers. They feed on arthropods and sweet secretions of homopterous insects.

They choose to live in the cool regions of South Australia, eucalyptus forests. Nest entry holes are very small, no more than 4-6 mm wide, so they are difficult to detect, without mounds and soil deposits hidden under leaf debris.

9. Myrmecocystus, 10-13 мм

Top 10 biggest ants in the world This type of ant lives in the desert regions of the United States and Mexico. They can be pale yellow or black. They belong to the genus of honey ants, which have a group of workers with a supply of liquid carbohydrate food in swollen crops. These are the so-called ant barrels.

Myrmecocystus local peoples use for food. Mexican Indians catch and eat worker ants with a full abdomen, which are commonly called “honey barrels“. Due to their huge size, they are practically unable to move and hide on the ceiling of deep nest chambers. Dimensions – from 8-9 mm in males, to 13-15 mm in females, and working individuals are even smaller – 4,5 – 9 mm.

8. Cephalotes, 3-14 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world The name of this ant can be translated as “flat head finger“. They can be found in South and Central America. These are wood ants, with numerous families. They can have from several dozen workers to 10 thousand.

They prefer to settle in trees or shrubs, in passages and cavities eaten by other insects. If they accidentally fall from a branch, they can parachute onto the trunk of the same plant. They belong to non-aggressive ant species that can coexist with other insects from this family.

They feed on carrion, extra-flowering nectar, and plant pollen. They are sometimes found on sugar and protein sources, on bird excrement. Cephalotes were discovered by the English scientist F. Smith in 1860.

7. Camponotus herculeanus, 10-15 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world This species is large. He is called giant ant or red-breasted antwoodworm. Females and males are black, the rest have a dark head and a red chest. One of the largest views of Russia.

The length of individual females or soldiers reaches up to 2 cm in length. It can be found in almost all forests of Europe: from northern Asia to western Siberia. Camponotus herculeanus they build their nests in the wood of diseased or dead spruce, fir, and occasionally pine. They feed on insects and collect honeydew. Ants themselves are woodpeckers favorite food.

6. Camponotus vagus, 6-16 мм

Top 10 biggest ants in the world A large ant species that can be found in the forests of northern Asia and Europe. This forest insect with a shiny black body is one of the largest in the fauna of Russia. Females and soldiers can grow up to 15 mm, but the size of other insects can be slightly smaller – from 6 to 17 mm.

They prefer to settle in open areas of the forest: on the edges, clearings, old clearings of both deciduous and mixed pine forests. Camponotus vagus they love well-lit areas with sandy soil, settle under dry wood, but they can also be found under stones.

Their anthills are located on stumps, wood residues. In one colony, there are from 1 thousand to 4 thousand individuals, a maximum of 10 thousand. These are aggressive and fast insects that fiercely defend their nest.

5. Paraponera clavate, 28-30 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world A species of large tropical ants, whose name can be translated as “bullet ant“. They differ from their relatives in that they are poisonous, their poison is stronger than that of a wasp or bee.

The habitat of these insects is Central and South America, mainly humid and tropical forests. Ant families prefer lowland forests. paraponera clavate first described by the Danish zoologist Johann Fabricius in 1775. These are brownish-black insects that grow up to 18-25 mm. In one family from 1 thousand to 2,5 thousand working individuals.

Soil anthills are located at the base of trees. There are about 1 colonies of these ants per 4 ha of forest. They feed on arthropods, nectar, which is collected in the crowns. They have a long sting (up to 3,5 mm) and strong poison. Pain after a bite is felt during the day, so this insect is also called “ant – 24 hours».

4. Dorylus nigricans 9-30 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world In tropical Africa, in a forest area, you can see this species of dark brown ants. They stand out for their size: workers – from 2,5 to 9 mm, soldiers – up to 13 mm, male – 30 mm, and female up to 50 mm.

In one family Dorylus nigricans – up to 20 million individuals. This is a very voracious species that feeds on living and dead arthropods, and can prey on reptiles and amphibians.

They do not have permanent nests. During the day they move, and at night they find a temporary shelter. A nomadic column can reach several tens of meters. If there are obstacles along the way, they form “bridges” from their bodies.

3. Camponotus gigas, 18-31 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world This one of the largest species can be found in the tropical rainforests of Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The size depends on what kind of individual it is. The smallest are males, from 18 to 20 mm, workers are slightly larger – from 19 to 22 mm, soldiers – 28 -30 mm, and queens – from 30 to 31 mm.

Camponotus gigas black color. They feed on honeydew and sugary secretions, fruits, insects, and some seeds. Activity is shown at night, occasionally – during the day. They nest in the ground, at the base of trees, occasionally in rotten wood.

2. Dinoponera, 20-40 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world In the tropical forests of Peru, Brazil, this species of shiny black ants is common. In one family Dinoponera several dozen individuals, occasionally – over 100.

They feed on dead arthropods, seeds, sweet fruits, and can include lizards, frogs, and chicks in their diet.

They nest in the ground. Fearful ants, if they see danger, prefer to hide. If individuals from different nests are encountered, there may be “demonstration” fights, but they usually do not reach physical fights, especially fatal ones.

1. Myrmecia pavida, 30-40 mm

Top 10 biggest ants in the world They are called “bulldog ants“. They live in Western Australia, sometimes found in South Australia. Usually red or reddish-brown, orange, black, bright, immediately striking.

They feed on insects and sugary secretions. Nests are built in dry places, in the ground. They have a sting and a poison that is dangerous, including for humans. If a Myrmecia was afraid sting, it can cause anaphylactic shock. In a colony – up to several hundred individuals.

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