Tonina belem
Tonina belem, trade name Tonina sp. “Belem” It was under this name that it was first introduced for sale by the Japanese company Rayon Vert as an aquarium plant.
However, in 2010, botanists Cavan Allen and Kristel Kasselmann determined that this plant actually belongs to a completely different genus and identified it as Syngonanthus macrocaulon. However, in the aquarium trade it is still better known by its old name.
At the same time, only one plant of the genus Tonina grows in aquariums – this is Tonina river (Tonina fluviatilis).
The plant was first collected at the mouth of the Amazon near the Brazilian city of Belem (hence the second part of the name) in waters with very low pH values and a high concentration of tannins, which is why the water in this area takes on a rich brown color.
In favorable conditions, the sprouts form a strong stem, which is crowned with a bunch of elongated linear leaves, resembling the top of a palm tree. On the rest of the stem, they are not so dense. The plant gives a lot of lateral shoots, due to which, over time, a densely overgrown clearing is formed.
Tonina belem is considered one of the most difficult aquarium plants to grow. It needs a lot of light, additional introduction of carbon dioxide and very soft water (not higher than 5.0 kH). In addition, it is recommended to use special acidic substrates, and a sufficient amount of iron will maintain the bright green color of the leaves.
When pruning, only the top 4 cm of the stem should be cut off. Too long cuttings, when placed in the ground, will form many roots, which significantly reduces the attractiveness of the entire sprout.
Depending on the size of the aquarium, the plant is placed in the center directly below the lights. It looks especially impressive with herbaceous species, such as Arrowhead subulate (Sagittaria subulata) and the already mentioned Tonina river.