To what extent did the plans of mini-pigs to conquer the world come true?
The fashion for pigs swept from the USA through Europe and Russia and reached Latin America. What’s new today recommend their owners?
Fashion is fashion, and piggy-cute mini-pigs often exceed the expectations of inexperienced owners. In the truest sense of the word!
In social networks, you can find accounts of cute little pigs, follow them and, finally, decide to get yourself the same cute pet. At the same time, the content of mini-pigs is a new science, because they appeared in Russia only in the early 2000s.
There are as many as 45 breeds of mini pigs. They should be sorted out before deciding on a piglet. Some breeds of mini pigs do not grow at all miniature, their weight can reach 100-120 kg.
The mini pig grows for 2-3 years, after which the owner can expect a surprise: the pig is noisy, big and barely fits in the house. Today, the main problem of keeping mini-pigs on the American continent is called the picture “expectation is reality“, when the owner of a large grunting miracle gives him to a shelter or releases him into the wild. He did not expect the baby to grow up like that!
In Canada, too, there was a boom in mini-pigs a few years ago, and now shelters cannot cope with the influx of pets that shocked owners want to adopt. Moreover, there are practically no people who want to take an adult large pig from the shelter.
Scientists and breeders summarized the features of keeping pygmy pigs and gave new recommendations to owners. Be sure to consider each item if you plan to get a pig:
Before getting a mini-pig, understand the breeds, visit the breeder and meet the parents of your future piglet. Your decision should be as balanced as possible.
The pet must have enough space. The areas where he eats, sleeps and relieves need should be separated.
The pig can be noisy. Think about your neighbors if you live in an apartment building. Better yet, ask directly how they feel about loud grunting behind the wall.
Do not feed the pig with rolls and other carbohydrates from the table. They are prone to obesity. The diet should consist of vegetables, fruits and proteins. By the way, hide the “ban” well in the refrigerator: pigs can learn to open the door and feast in your absence.
Think about how you can let your pet show its natural beginning: pigs love to dig, bite, wallow in the mud. It is worth giving the piglet a few dog toys, he will like it!
Pig needs to be educated. Because a spoiled pet will sit on the owner’s neck and become a problem. Fortunately, all pigs are easy to train and learn commands. The main thing is to reward for good behavior, and if necessary, be strict. But in no case do not beat the pet and do not yell at him – the effect will be the opposite.
- If possible, do not transfer the pig to another owner and to the shelter. Pigs, like dogs, are very attached to the house and the person, they experience a lot of stress and can become seriously ill.
Any pets – and, especially, exotic ones – need a responsible attitude. If you are considering getting a pig, talk to breeders and owners. Think 7 times – and then a couple more!
Sources: babai.ru and cbc.ca