Tips and Tricks for Cat Allergies
Do you want to get a cat, but you have allergies? Do you already have a cat, but allergies prevent you from enjoying the company of a pet? We hasten to please you: people with allergies can live in the same house with a cat. You can influence the manifestations of allergies in many ways.
Allergies are caused by the reaction of the human body to certain proteins found mainly in the skin secretions and saliva of cats. These proteins “stick” to the cat’s coat and skin and are released into the environment during shedding.
Some cat owners develop immunity, while others get rid of allergies by the time the pet arrives in the house. Of course, this is possible, but keep in mind that contact with an animal can aggravate an allergic reaction.
If you’re worried about allergies, it’s best to get a short-haired cat: they have less hair than their long-haired counterparts. From purebred cats, pay attention to the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex breeds. They lack the layers of fur that other cat breeds have, so Devons and Cornish cats cause less of an allergic reaction. Sphynx cats are completely hairless and, moreover, very affectionate. But keep in mind that cats of all these breeds, like all others, lick themselves, and saliva causes the same allergic reaction as wool.
When you have a cat, then the cleanliness of the house is the key to a life without manifestations of allergies:
- Regularly wipe down smooth surfaces and vacuum carpets.
- Wash the bed (or whatever the cat sleeps on) as often as possible.
- If possible, do not let the cat into the bedroom of an allergic person.
- Carpets are allergen accumulators, and besides, they are difficult to clean, so parquet is more suitable for allergy sufferers.
- Upholstered furniture is also an allergen accumulator, so do not allow the cat to sit or lie on it, and also do not let it into rooms with carpets, if they do exist.
In addition, it is necessary to comb the cat every week. Thanks to this procedure, less cat hair enters the air. In the spring, when the cat sheds, comb it especially carefully. Cleaning the litter box regularly can also help reduce allergies, because cat urine contains the same proteins as saliva, cat dander extract, and fur. The pet should be combed by a person who is not allergic to cats. It is best to do this outdoors, if possible.
If you have allergy symptoms, talk to your doctor about medication or other ways to treat the problem. Perhaps the allergy can be cured or at least controlled.