Three exercises to strengthen the landing

Three exercises to strengthen the landing

Photo Shoot: © FEI / Yuanpu Xia

Equestrian sports are recommended not only in the saddle. Many exercises done outside of it (and generally outside the stable – beating the stall for sports, unfortunately, do not count) can significantly affect the quality and confidence of the landing. Ashleigh Wallace, sports physiotherapist and member of the British Equestrian Federation, shares some simple exercises for this.

1. Push-ups

On average, equestrians are distinguished by strong muscles in the upper back, but weak muscles in the chest. Strengthening the chest muscles is best done with simple push-ups, on the floor or against a wall.

Squats, crunches, and back raises will help develop your lower back. This will strengthen the core and improve the sense of balance.

2. Yoga or Pilates

Your pelvis plays a key role in riding. It “connects” the rider to the horse and balances the body (and the body is 2/3 of the weight of the whole body).

Regular yoga and Pilates exercises help to relax the pelvis and thereby improve the sense of balance in the saddle. This will also make it easier for you to keep your back in the correct position.

3. Plank

This is a great exercise to strengthen your back, arms, shoulders and the whole body in general. Squeeze your hips and buttocks as you do it—and don’t forget to breathe!

If you find it hard to keep all your weight on your hands, rotate them so that you are supported by your elbows and raised fists. Hold the plank for as long as you can, but not less than 30 seconds.


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