The smallest breeds of domestic cats: an overview of breeds and features
Top 10 smallest cat breeds – who are they, how much do they weigh and what are the features of their characters?
Many potential pet owners prefer to choose a pet based on its size. This applies not only to dogs, but also to cats. Despite the fact that almost all domestic cats are medium-sized creatures, there are several very miniature breeds. Some of them are officially recognized by international felinological organizations, some are not.
- One of the most popular among the recognized miniature cat breeds – Singaporean. This short-haired beauty in adulthood weighs only two to three kilograms. The breed appeared in Southeast Asia and first took part in exhibitions in 1976. Animals are distinguished by the characteristic color of sepia agouti, and the eyes and lips of animals are outlined in a dark outline. Singapura cats are very affectionate and active and make excellent companions.
- Another famous kid – devon rex. This small cat breed is originally from the UK. A black cat named Curly became the official progenitor of the breed. The Devon Rex has a very original appearance – curly and very soft fur, large ears and piercing eyes. Cats of this breed are practically hypoallergenic due to the small amount of guard hairs. Devon Rex are active and playful, love physical contact and prefer outdoor play. Adults weigh up to 4,5 kg.
- Munchkin The cat with the shortest legs. To look around, representatives of this breed do not sit on their hind legs, but on their ass and rest on their tail for stability. The breed was first introduced in 1991. The weight of an adult cat is up to 4 kg. Munchkins are absolutely not aggressive, they easily get along with adults, children, and other pets. They are very attached to their owner.
- Balinese, or Balinese cat, – semi-longhaired breed originally from America, despite the name. The closest relative of the Balinese is the Siamese cat. Received recognition and name in 1963. Cats weigh up to 2,5 kg, cats are slightly larger. Balinese wool is thin and soft and needs almost no special care. These are very curious and sociable cats that cannot stand being alone and will always prefer to be in the company.
- Egyptian mau is a miniature domestic leopard. It has a characteristic color, while there are spots not only on the coat, but also on the skin. An adult cat weighs up to 4 kg on average, cats are somewhat larger and can weigh up to 6 kg. This is a very sociable breed: the pet will willingly talk to the owner and talk about how he spent the day. Animals, surprisingly, love to swim and prefer an active lifestyle, just like that, a cat will not lie on the couch.
- american curl. A characteristic feature of this small domestic cat is its curled down and inward ears. An adult cat weighs about 4 kg on average. Curls have a soft, silky coat, slender rounded legs and strong muscles. This is a very friendly breed that is good with adults, children, and other pets. But the cat should be treated more carefully if there are very small children in the house – these animals do not like excessive physical contact. But they love active games and a variety of toys.
- kinkalow. The breed appeared as a result of crossing Munchkins and American Curls, in connection with which it has curved ears and not the longest legs. Despite artificial breeding, kinkalows are distinguished by good health and endurance. Very unpretentious in both maintenance and nutrition. Do not leave a cat alone on the street – because of the short legs, she will not be able to run away from danger. Representatives of the breed are very affectionate and sociable, love to play and sit on their hands.
- Scythian-tai-don, or toy-bean. The Russian breed of a very exotic species – cats resemble both Siamese and Balinese, and even Burmese. They are also considered one of the smallest breeds – many cats weigh only 1,5-2 kg, and cats – about 2,5 kg. Felinological organizations consider this breed experimental, and in 2017 registered the toy bean as a preliminary new breed. Animals are very sociable and friendly, love to watch what is happening around.
- Lambkin – a breed that in translation from English means “lamb”. These miniature babies reach a weight of 1,8 to 4 kg. Their coat is soft and slightly curly and really resembles the wool of a lamb.
- Dwelf. Munchkin, Canadian Sphynx and American Curl became the progenitors of this breed. As a result of such mating, a small, stubborn, hairless kitten appeared, which needs proper education. Its maximum weight is 3 kg.
Before taking a pet home, be sure to consult with breeders and veterinarians. And also in advance to pass tests for allergies to cat hair. If you prepare in advance, the first acquaintance will be even more joyful.
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