“The Retriever mastered the “bike” exercise, hitting the women’s fitness. Video!”

“The Retriever mastered the “bike” exercise, hitting the women’s fitness. Video!”

We all know the sports exercise “bicycle” and, moreover, we ourselves have used it at least once in our lives. But have you ever seen how a dog performs this exercise?

This golden retriever, who accompanies his mistress during training, seems to have decided that it would not hurt him to pump up the press at all, and joined the girls doing the exercises. He still has a little work to do on technique and concentration, but the start is good.

Golden Retriever Participates In Workout Class
Video: Poke My Heart

“The Retriever mastered the “bike” exercise, hitting the womens fitness. Video!photo: google.comWell, we hope that both the owner and the dog will successfully achieve their fitness goals!Translated for WikiPetYou might also be interested in: Monkeys manage to recreate a touching moment from the cartoon “The King and the Lion”«

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