The most poisonous and dangerous spider in the world and Russia: how not to fall into their clutches
Spiders – few people have pleasant associations with them. These are not insects, but animals that belong to the type of arthropods and the class of arachnids. Despite their size, behavior and appearance, they all have almost the same body structure. Such individuals are found almost everywhere and can even live in water. Often spiders can be found in the vastness of Russia.
Many do not like and even hate them. But there are people who treat them with sympathy and breed at home.
There are such spiders that cause disgust and fear of any person – this deadly and the most poisonous spiders in the world. There are quite a lot of them in nature, many of them have not been studied, but most are very well known. In medicine, there are many antidotes for the bites of these arthropods and are used in those countries where you can often meet with such “guests”. Often a dangerous spider can be found in Russia.
The most dangerous and poisonous spiders
- yellow (gold) Sak;
- wandering brazilian spider;
- brown recluse (violin spider);
- black Widow;
- tarantula (tarantula);
- water spiders;
- crab spider.
yellow spider. It has a golden color, no larger than 10 mm in size. They usually live in Europe. Due to its size and unsightly color, it can stay in the house for a long time, being completely invisible. In nature, they build their own house in the form of a bag-pipe. Their bites are dangerous and cause necrotic wounds. They do not attack first, but as a self-defense, their bite will be such that it will not seem small.
Brazilian spider. He does not release the web and does not catch his prey in it. He cannot stop in one place, which is why he is called a wandering wanderer. The most important habitat of such arthropods is South America. Its bite cannot lead to death, as there is an antidote. But still, a bite can cause a severe allergic reaction. It has a sandy coloration that allows it to hide in nature. The favorite pastime of such spiders is crawling in a basket of bananas, which is why it is nicknamed the “banana spider”. It can feed on other spiders, lizards, and even birds that are much larger than it.
Brown hermit. This species is also dangerous to humans. He is not aggressive and rarely attacks, but his “neighborhood” should be avoided. If such an arachnid bite occurs, then the person must be urgently sent to the hospital, as the poison spreads throughout the body within 24 hours. Such arthropods are usually small in size from 0,6 to 2 cm and love places such as an attic, closet, and the like. Their main habitat is California and other US states. Their most important distinguishing feature is their furry “antennae” and three pairs of eyes, while everyone else has mostly four pairs.
Black Widow. This is the most dangerous spider in the world. But the most important poisonous individual is the spider, as it kills the male after mating. They have a very strong venom and exceeds the lethality of rattlesnake venom by 15 times. If a female has bitten a person, then within 30 seconds an antidote must be administered urgently. Females are distributed in many places – in deserts and prairies. Their size reaches two centimeters.
Tarantula. This is the most beautiful and largest species of this individual, usually they are not too dangerous for humans. Their color can be varied – it can be from gray-brown to bright orange, sometimes striped. They feed on small birds, despite their size from three to four centimeters. They try to live in the steppes and deserts, digging rather deep wet minks for themselves. They usually hunt at night, as they see very well in the dark. They are very often bred at home, believing that it is possible to breed snakes at home, and why not?
water spiders. This name gave them the fact that they can live underwater. They live in the waters of North Asia and Europe. These individuals are small (reach only up to 1,7 cm), but they are excellent swimmers and weave cobwebs under water among various algae. For humans, this species is completely harmless, as it eats small crustaceans and larvae. His poison is too weak and therefore does not bring much harm to a person.
spider crab. There are about three thousand such species in nature. Their color, size and beauty are very diverse. He can easily merge with the bosom of nature or with sandy terrain, he usually adapts to his habitat. Only the large beads of his eight eyes can give him away. Its habitat is mostly in North America, and also in the south of Asia and Europe. It is usually confused with a hermit and is more feared than other arachnids, but it is not particularly dangerous to humans. But his appearance is too intimidating.
Most terrible the spider in the world is the Brazilian wanderer, and the most dangerous This is Black Widow.
The largest arthropods
Main types:
- tarantula tarantula Goliath;
- banana or Brazilian.
Tarantula tarantula Goliath, which reaches a size of up to 28 cm. Its food includes: toads, mice, small birds and even snakes. For our well-being, he will not reach Russia, since he feeds only in the forests of Brazil. But many try to bring them to our homeland and breed them here, but they are uncomfortable here, because he loves a humid tropical climate.
Banana spider reaches 12 cm and described above.
Basically, all these varieties of arthropods are not used to attacking first and therefore you should not be afraid of them right away if you meet them somewhere nearby or in the house. But if this individual felt the danger, then it immediately begins to defend itself. But there are eyewitnesses who claim that there are aggressive poisonous arachnids that are immediately ready to attack.