The most amazing cat in the world!
Meet Banye, the British shorthair cat, famous all over the internet for its large round eyes and a dark speck of fur near its mouth. This feature of the color makes the look of the pet forever surprised. It seems as if the cat is constantly exclaiming: “Oh my God!”
The whole world learned about Bagnyi after his owner posted photos of the animal on the Chinese social network Duitang.
It is difficult to tell anything else about the cat, since all the information on the page is in Chinese.
The only thing that can be said with certainty is that he is almost 15 years old! According to the owner, the pet was born on June 14, 2003! Over the years, people have probably said more than once that the cat looks very surprised, as if he had just seen a ghost.
Everyone seems to care about this, except…Bagna. He lives and does not know that he has become a living Internet sensation!
Post by @omg_catt