The largest dog breeds: description, benefits and recommendations for keeping
Experts have several dozen of the largest breeds of dogs. Thanks to this variety, you can choose a pet that suits your temperament and some characteristics. However, it is worth remembering that large dogs need special care, so you need to consider the pros and cons before buying.
Distinctive features of the largest dogs
- The main characteristic is a weight of at least 45 kg.
- The height of the animal, which is measured at the withers, should be an average of 45-65 cm.
- Large dogs have a formidable appearance, namely the coat, which emphasizes the large body, cropped ears and tail.
- A balanced calm character that does not deny friendliness.
- Loose lips and saliva.
It is worth noting that most of the largest breeds were bred specially for security purposes. Since ancient times, these dogs protect the palaces of kings and farms of peasants, as well as monitor property. This is not surprising, because the huge size of animals and menacing barking will deter any ill-wisher.
Benefits of Large Dogs
Some people complain that large dogs take up a lot of space, and growing puppies bring a lot of trouble. It is also known that representatives of the largest breeds are not centenarians, because they are prone to hip dysplasia and other diseases.
Despite these features, large breeds enjoy great popularity. This is due to the fact that animals are more calm and balanced, and their psyche is very stable. So, a large formidable dog calmly treats a child playing with his hair. Despite their impressive size, the animals are very agile and agile. They participate in active games and often keep company with their sports owners.
With the necessary physical activity, large dogs can live in small apartments and private houses with a small plot. With the right upbringing, large dogs will become the best defenders of the whole family.
Problems of keeping large dogs
Many people are afraid of large animals, because such dogs are often cause a feeling of fear. Therefore, it is important to properly educate your pet. In some cases, you can not do without the help of an experienced trainer.
The largest dogs need free space, so buying an English mastiff or St. Bernard in an apartment is not worth it, because the animal will be uncomfortable here. Large dogs need regular exercise and exercise. Thanks to them, the pet builds muscle mass and maintains its health. What’s more, large animals can become overweight if they don’t move around a lot.
It is known that large dogs tied to the owner and territory. Representatives of these breeds are hard to endure a long separation from the family. Some of them also do not like to sit on a leash. Large dogs always get along with other animals.
It should be noted that puppies of large breeds are stubborn and capricious. If you give up slack, the animal will grow up spoiled and will consider itself the main one in the family. You will get a true friend only if the dog recognizes you as an authority.
Top 10 largest dogs
- English mastiff distinguished by its sad eyes and drooping cheeks. The average weight of a female reaches 70 kg, and a male – 75 kg. These dogs are massive and slightly clumsy, but very obedient and good-natured. They have a soft and gentle nature. Despite this, the mastiff will protect his family if necessary. It is thanks to this characteristic that the breed has long been used as a guard dog. Some individuals are lazy, but they still need to be constantly walked and given physical activity. The breed is ideal for experienced dog breeders, single responsible people and families with older children.
- spanish mastiff It is distinguished by ideal watchdog qualities, because it is ready to fight with any animal. Males weigh 60–80 kg and females 50–70 kg. With proper training and socialization, this large dog will become the best friend for the whole family. Representatives of the breed are calm with strangers, but when they feel threatened, they become aggressive. Although the animal looks clumsy during movement, it is very dexterous. The disadvantages of the breed are the presence of saliva and snoring.
- St. Bernard – a friendly dog with a calm disposition. Males weigh 70–90 kg and females 55–75 kg. Such a devoted dog will become the best friend for an adult and a child. In youth, the animal is very stubborn, but it can be trained. St. Bernards are ideal for experienced dog breeders and active people.
- Pyrenean mastiff originally bred to guard herds. Representatives of this breed are a little lazy, but very obedient. Such a good-natured dog shows aggression only when necessary. The weight of a male dog ranges from 70–85 kg. Females weigh an average of 60–75 kg. Some individuals reach 100 kg. Dogs get along well with children and various animals. At the same time, the mastiff needs a strong owner. Otherwise, the dog will consider himself the leader of the pack.
- German dog considered the tallest dog. The growth of the animal is at least 70–80 cm. It is worth noting that males weigh in the range of 55–90 kg, and females weigh 45–65 kg. The main characteristics of this breed are strength and intelligence. Such powerful dogs love walks, but can lie at the feet of the owner with pleasure. Loyal Great Danes are excellent guard dogs. They easily get along with children and need serious education. The dog is ideal for active people who are ready to go for a walk several times a day.
- Central asian shepherd dog for several decades it was used for protection. The weight of males reaches 60–85 kg, and the weight of bitches is 50–75 kg. These independent and independent dogs will become best friends, because they are attached to the owner and always feel his mood. For representatives of the breed, a private house with a large yard is suitable. Before buying an Asian, you need to think carefully about whether you can properly educate and train a dog.
- Tibetan mastiff originally created to protect temples. The average weight is 60–82 kg. These dogs have guard skills and at the same time can be used as a beast of burden. Tribal Tibetan Mastiff is very expensive. A simple thoroughbred puppy will cost 2-10 thousand dollars.
- Leonberger This is a large dog with a gentle disposition. She is considered the best protection for the family and an excellent nanny for the child. Representatives of the breed often serve in the police or work as rescuers. Lenobergers were bred in the 60th century in Germany. First, experts crossed the St. Bernard with the Newfoundland, and then the large Pyrenean dog took part in the creation of the breed. Male Leonbergers weigh an average of 80–50 kg, while females typically weigh 70–XNUMX kg. The dogs look huge thanks to their thick long hair, which makes them look like lions. These dogs are not suitable for apartments. They need free space and a cool climate. A long daily walk is enough for dogs, but special physical activity is not required.
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog was originally used to protect a herd of sheep, but it will not offend its owner either. Males weigh 55–85 kg and females 50–65 kg. The growth of representatives of the breed often fluctuates between 70–80 cm. Buying such a puppy is only worth it if you are ready to seriously engage in training and education. Otherwise, the grown dog will consider himself the main one in the family.
- Boerboel known for its watchdog qualities. The weight of a male is 68–90 kg, and that of a female is 50–75 kg. Height reaches 62–70 cm. In general, the Boerboel is a very affectionate pet and an ideal companion. He loves active games and feels the mood of the owner well. These dogs live longer than other large breeds. Boerboel is ideal for active people who are ready to train the animal and walk it daily.
Dogs of the largest breeds are famous for their size, excellent guard and security qualities, as well as accommodating disposition. In order for such an animal to feel comfortable, it is necessary to provide sufficient space for it, as well as to properly educate the dog. It is important to remember that large individuals need regular exercise and long walks.