Domestication greatly changes the nature of the animal, most often making it slower, less sensitive to environmental changes, incapable of independent life. However, some cat breeds were not affected by these changes. Those pets whose genetic pool has not undergone significant changes are the fastest domestic cats.
Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, American veterinarian, founder of rehabilitation centers for injured wild animals and clinics for exotic pets, ranked the fastest felines living with us under the same roof.
Egyptian mau
Egyptian Mau can accelerate up to 48 km/h. It is the fastest domestic cat in the world. She owes this ability to her African roots. A muscular, well-streamlined body due to short dense hair, developed muscles on the paws and strong bones have helped the Mau ancestors survive in the harsh desert conditions for centuries. The ancestors of the Mau were revered by the ancient Egyptians – these cats were considered sacred and were mummified along with noble nobles. The modern Egyptian Mau, of course, is different from his ancestor, but he retained his characteristic energy and affection for people. It is interesting to actively spend time with representatives of this breed: walk, participate in outdoor games.
Abyssinian cat
The Abyssinian cat is not inferior to its relative Mau in terms of speed: for short distances it can reach speeds of up to 46–48 km/h. Her ancestors also come from Africa, but they lived a little closer to the equator, in Ethiopia. Abyssinians are distinguished by long legs, a toned body and a miniature size. Outwardly, they resemble miniature cheetahs, but with a different color. Cats of this breed are extremely inquisitive and strong – they love to climb everywhere, climb hills, explore. They are extremely successful in cat agility.
somali cat
The Somali cat descended from the Abyssinian and differs from it only in long hair and a more silent character. These cats are also very curious and frisky, love to run and play. The owners of cats of this breed, like everyone else on this list, should avoid playing in open spaces without a leash, because Somalis in the heat of the game can easily reach speeds of up to 40 km / h, then it will simply not keep up with them.
Photo from the page Somali cat
Siamese and Oriental cats
Siamese and Oriental cats are similar in many ways, including in the speed of their movements. Their ancestors lived in Thailand for more than ten centuries; this was documented as early as the XNUMXth century.
Siamese and Orientals inherited elegance, dexterity, intelligence, excellent memory and, of course, speed from ancient Thai cats. Their long, slender and at the same time muscular body while running is able to develop a fairly high speed – up to 30 km / h. These cats can be taken for a walk, but this should only be done on a leash.
Bengal cat
The Bengal cat is the result of years of crossbreeding between wild Bengal cats and domestic cats. Her exotic ancestors lived in India, Malaysia and China. The fastest speed reached by a wild bengal is 72 km/h, it is the fastest cat of small size. Such swiftness, albeit to a lesser extent, was transmitted to the domestic Bengal: representatives of this breed can run at speeds up to 56 km / h.
These small animals have a strong body and long legs that can easily cover long distances. They also have a strong hunting instinct, so they will be interested in various games for catching objects, agility and speed.