The dog is aggressive towards other dogs: what should the owners do
A dog that acts viciously towards its own kind can create stress and chaos, whether it be at the dog park or even in its own home. About how to determine why a dog shows aggression towards other dogs, and what to do about it – in the article.
Is the dog aggressive towards other dogs?
Before jumping to a conclusion about whether a four-legged friend is truly aggressive towards other pets, it’s important to understand the difference between an aggressor and an alpha dog. For some animals, the role of alpha or pack leader in a group of dogs is quite natural. “Alpha dogs are confident in their position,” says Cuteness. Usually they do not need to put pressure on other dogs, show dominance or demands, because the latter naturally obey their position in the pack. While the alpha can “fix” another dog that is out of line and breaking the canine code, she is usually calm and patient with other pack members.
An aggressive dog is also different from just an aggressive dog, Cuteness emphasizes. A pet can be aggressive towards a particular dog they don’t like, but still get along well with others. An aggressor dog may attack an animal it considers weak or fearful, or inadvertently show aggression towards other dogs simply because of its arrogance and desire to dominate. Often this is due to a tendency to overexcite or lack of proper socialization in puppyhood.
A fight with an aggressor dog usually starts because the other pet is finally fed up with the abuse. On the other hand, aggressive dogs tend to show hostility towards their own kind, and they are usually the ones who attack others or get into fights.
How to recognize an aggressor dog
Assessing the hooligan behavior of a pet, it is equally important to pay attention to how the animals interacting with it behave. If other dogs are having fun, you probably shouldn’t accuse your dog of being aggressive.
On the other hand, if one of the dogs involved in the interaction looks tense, frightened, or begins to show signs of aggression towards the pet, it may actually be showing aggression towards this dog, and it is time to intervene.
When a dog is very aggressive towards other dogs, the following signs may indicate this:
- Assertive and domineering behavior.
- Excitement of other dogs because of your pet’s play style.
- Taking food or toys from other dogs.
- Treating other animals.
- Excessive rampage during the game.
- Ignoring signals or warnings from other animals that it is time to stop.
- Reluctance to leave other dogs alone.
- Pressing them to the ground.
How to stop aggressive dog behavior
If a family dog is aggressive towards other dogs, it is important to intervene. Continued aggression may harm the animals. The victim of aggression will experience fear and anxiety if such attacks do not stop. And the longer the dog is aggressive towards others, the more difficult it will be to get rid of this habit.
Steps you can take to reduce your dog’s aggressive behavior include:
- Time-out. Interrupt the dog at signs of aggression on its part and take it aside. This is a good way to give the animals a chance to cool down before the situation escalates. You should simply take the dog out of the playground and not let him back until he calms down. To do this, you can use a verbal signal and repeat it every time the dog needs a time out. That way, she will eventually figure out why her game is being interrupted.
- Choose who the dog will play with. Instead of taking your pet to the dog park, creating endless opportunities for him to get into trouble, you can meet specific animals for play in a less stressful environment. For example, hold play meetings with dogs that are not bothered by the pet’s play style.
- Consult with a trainer who among the wards has dogs with exemplary behavior. You can use the services of a professional who will teach your pet to control his impulses. He may also have access to a well-behaved alpha dog who can model good behavior and teach him to distinguish between good play behavior and bad play behavior.
If the pet has nevertheless been seen in aggression towards other dogs, it is important to remember that you can not touch the dogs that are in the midst of a quarrel and stand between them. If the dog is prone to aggression, it is recommended to put on a harness with a loop or handle, which you can grab, if necessary, to pull it away without the risk of being bitten.
If a dog shows aggression towards other dogs, this does not mean that he is a hopeless slut. She just needs to improve her social skills. She may also need more physical activity or mental stimulation so that she doesn’t direct excess energy towards other dogs and pester them out of boredom. Timely intervention, control of the composition of play partners and modeling of good behavior – all this will help the dog to become a better play companion.