The dog does not want to walk. What to do?
The reasons why a dog does not want to go for a walk are different. To establish the true, it is important to take into account the age of the pet, and the state of his health, and the character, and lifestyle in general.
Why does the dog not want to walk?
One of the most obvious reasons is health problems. It may be difficult for your dog to move, jump, run, climb or go down stairs because his joints or spine hurt. Lethargy and apathy can be signs of many health problems. If you suspect a disease, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.
Sometimes the dog does not want to walk because of fear. This can be seen by how the pet feels uncomfortable on the street: he runs home, keeps behind the owner, tucks his tail, or refuses to go beyond the threshold at all. If you notice this in the behavior of your pet, then most likely the problem lies in the psychological state, which means that you need to consult a veterinarian.
The not-too-obvious reason why a dog doesn’t want to go outside is bad weather. Yes, animals are also capable of showing character: some flatly refuse to stick their nose out of a comfortable apartment in heat, rain or frost. On such days, you can simply limit walks or buy suitable clothes for your pet.
It also happens that the dog gets bored with the usual route or she is simply not interested in walking. This happens with animals whose owners limit communication with other dogs. The same thing happens with pets that walk every day in the same place. In such cases, it is recommended to diversify the walking route and visit dog sites more often.
Puppies and teenage dogs sometimes get stressed out on walks because they are intimidated by everything new. The reason may be in improper socialization – for example, if the owner too early and abruptly began to introduce the pet to the outside world.
Often refuse to walk and adult dogs who previously lived outside the city in a private house. They are simply not familiar with cars, bicycles and other features of life in the city.
Faced with the problem of not walking, the first thing a dog owner needs to do is to understand why the pet is behaving this way. Only then should behavioral modification begin.
If the dog refuses to walk because of fears, you can try to work them out on your own.
You need to let your pet know that he is safe with you. But it is necessary to act very carefully, gradually bringing the dog closer to its fears.
For example, if the dog does not want to go for a walk, resists in every possible way and demonstrates his displeasure, then in not very difficult cases, the pet can be lured out for a walk with the help of a game. If the animal still does not give in to persuasion, you will have to resort to more serious measures.
Try moving your food bowl closer to the front door. Let the dog get used to the hallway: with the help of treats and feeding, a positive associative connection with this room will be developed. In the next step, try opening the front door while feeding. And after a while, feed the pet already outside the door. It is important to do everything slowly, not to rush. After the pet is used to it, you can move on to the next stage and take it outside.
In more serious cases, consultations with a zoopsychologist or cynologist cannot be avoided.
It is often much easier to take a few private workouts with a specialist and see the result after a couple of sessions than to try to solve the problem on your own without having the necessary knowledge and skills.
21 2018 June
Updated: 15 June 2022