The cost of a live ram in different regions – how much does an animal cost
If you are interested in this question, then you are either a businessman-farmer who wants to find new types of income, or you are preparing for a big celebration where you need to feed and surprise everyone. Or, perhaps, you have an oriental-style cafe, and you need fresh lamb to prepare traditional national dishes. To analyze this issue from all sides, you first need to highlight the key goals of finding the value of a ram. We single out three goals, the first of which requires serious miscalculations, and the second and third are quickly solved.
- Need a breeding ram for breeding.
- You have a big holiday and you need to feed a lot of guests.
- Need fresh meat for catering.
How much is a lamb
Sheep breeding is quite profitable, so it is not surprising that people are interested in the cost of breeding stock. To build a business plan for such a farm, you first need to find out the cost of a ram. And then all subsequent points.
- Find out the cost of a lamb.
- Learn the breeds and their characteristics.
- Find out the rate of gain in live weight under ideal conditions.
- Find out the cost of food.
- Find out the cost of renting or buying a farm (this item should be taken into account only if this type of business is planned to be opened from scratch).
The cost of a ram
The cost of livestock depends on many indicators and, above all, on the requirements for live goods. The price of an animal directly depends from the selected breed and from the place of purchase. If this is a non-pedigreed representative of the sheep family, then you can find sellers with a price of one hundred and twenty rubles per kilo.
Thoroughbred sheep will cost more. The price is from one hundred and fifty rubles in small wholesale. The price drops to one hundred and thirty rubles if the buyer buys in bulk, which starts at some farms from fifty heads.
Breeds and their features
The most common rams are four breeds. It’s a breed Romanovskaya, Edilbay, Merino and Fat-tailed, which we will consider.
Due to the good quality of milk and the possibility of using fur in fur coats, the Romanovskaya breed was most widely used. Moreover, this breed is capable of breeding all year round, which brings additional income to farmers.
The ancestors of the Edilbaevsky livestock were nomadic, so this breed is distinguished by its endurance and gives little trouble to its owners in terms of maintenance. Sheep of this breed have very tasty meat and high-quality tail fat. And from sour milk they make delicious cheese. Wool also did not go unnoticed, carpets are woven from it.
The Merino breed was bred exclusively for the use of its fine wool. But not always wool brought a steady income. Therefore, through selection and crossbreeding, the breed was improved, which gives excellent quality meat, which is always in demand.
The fat-tailed breed of sheep differs from other breeds in an increased supply of fat. They call her “Fattails”. It is in the tail part of these animals that an additional supply of fat is stored, used if necessary in winter. The meat and wool of this breed are of the highest quality, which is why it is interesting for breeding.
Live weight gain rate
Knowing the growth rate of different breeds is not easy. Each owner will praise their breed and describe fantastic growth opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary find relevant literature and see there the exact data confirmed by experts.
Find out the cost of food
You need to buy animal feed only from trusted manufacturers. Feed quality plays one of the key roles in the successful breeding of animals. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to this issue. So, it is not necessary to take the lowest price when calculating the cost of feed. There is a high probability that the origin of this feed will be in doubt.
As a rule, the more wholesale, the more the feed manufacturer is interested in the buyer and the greater the discount you can ask him for. But in the initial calculation, this should not be taken into account.
The cost of renting or buying a farm
Renting or buying a farm is now very simple. It does not cost that much money if you find a place in the outback of the country. There is another option suitable for a farmer who is not ready to immediately pay for the farm, but does not want to rent. Can be concluded premises lease agreement with the right to repurchase. Thus, it is possible to check in practice the profitability of the enterprise and the need to continue to develop this business.
Where to buy a live sheep
If a sheep is required for breeding, then you need to look for a farm that breeds sheep of the breed you need. Such information can be obtained via the Internet, in specialized magazines on animal husbandry, in advertising newspapers.
Also in many major cities are regularly held agricultural exhibitions. At such exhibitions, you can buy very worthy individuals of different sexes of the best breeds.
The more you buy, the less you pay
When buying animals, as in all other areas of the trade, there is a rule that the more you buy, the less you pay. And this rule applies to both breeding cattle and ordinary cattle for slaughter. Each manufacturer decides for himself how much he will start the wholesale price. He also decides whether the delivery of the goods to the buyer is included or he must pick up the purchase himself. All these questions need to be clarified immediately before buying.
If you just need fresh meat and you don’t need to carry live goods, then you need to check with the sheep seller if they have a slaughterhouse. If yes, how much does it cost to slaughter cattle and butcher carcasses.
How is the price calculated?
The price of a live sheep is calculated from a certain amount for the live weight of the purchased animal. And the farther the buyer travels from big cities in search of livestock, the lower the price, and the more attractive the offered product.
For example, a one-year breeding ram of the Romanov breed in the Moscow region can be bought for one hundred and seventy rubles per animal’s live weight. And in the Kaluga region, the same breed in bulk up to ten heads can be bought from one hundred and fifty rubles. If the wholesale exceeds fifty heads, then the buyer will pay even less from one hundred and thirty rubles per kilogram of live weight.
At the bazaar in Moscow they ask for a ram about two hundred and fifty rubles per live weight. True, the price includes the slaughter of the beast and cutting the carcass. But still, the price difference is significant.
Recently, sheep breeding in farms has been gaining momentum. And this is not at all surprising, because there is always a demand for good meat, milk, wool.