The cat is cold: what to do?
Do you know the feeling when it’s cold outside, but it doesn’t seem much better at home? The situation is saved by heaters, warm blankets and hot tea. But how can cats keep warm, especially when the owners are not at home and there is no one to turn on the heater? Hairless and short-haired pets have the hardest time. Read our article on how to help your cat survive the winter.
Do cats freeze in the winter in the apartment? It all depends on the temperature outside the window, on the heating in the apartment, as well as on the qualities of the cat itself. Of course, the Persians endure the winter much easier than the sphinxes. But for them, you need to consider a few rules. What to do when the cat is cold at home? How to protect her from the cold?
- Soft blanket or warm house
In the cold season, be sure to make sure that the cat has a warm “bed”. Get a fluffy blanket or pillow for your pet, as an option, get a bed or a special insulated house. But pay attention: not all cats like to sleep in houses. But fleecy blankets, pillows and beds are usually a win-win option.
- Sweater and heating pad
What to do if the cat is cold all the time? This is a common situation for hairless breeds. Give your pet a special blouse or overalls. And also put a heating pad wrapped in a blanket or your jacket in her favorite place. The smell of the beloved hostess in the second case will become an additional source of heat!
- When leaving the house, turn off the heater!
Powerful heaters perfectly warm the air. However, leaving them on when no one is home is dangerous. Firstly, there is a risk of fire and fire, and secondly, a cat, leaning against a heater, can get a serious burn. Be careful!
- Insulate the window sill!
Cats love to sit on windowsills. There are so many interesting things outside the window: people, birds, other animals, cars … But in winter, window sills freeze badly, and spending time on them turns into cystitis. It is very difficult to get rid of cystitis, it is much easier to prevent it. To do this, make sure that the cat does not freeze: insulate the window sill. You can put a pillow, blanket or couch on it, and for greater reliability, cover the entire area of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe window sill with a fur rug. There are special warm mats for cats with a stylish design and a rubberized non-slip base (for example, ProFleece). They can be cut to any size, rolled up, machine washed, put in a pet carrier or car. In a word, a bed on the windowsill for a cat will not remain idle!
- Food and water only at room temperature
One of the basic rules for caring for a cat is that water and food should always be at room temperature. This condition is important to observe always, especially in winter! Make sure that the cat does not eat cold food. And, on the contrary, even with the best of intentions, do not heat water or food for her! A cat does not need hot broth or tea to keep warm. The cat needs food and water at room temperature!
- Drying hair after bathing
If you decide to bathe your cat during the winter months, dry it thoroughly immediately after the procedure with a towel and hair dryer. A wet cat, even under a slight draft, is 99% likely to get sick.
These simple but useful tips will help you keep your pet warm even in the most severe frosts!