The cat hiccups. What to do?
Causes of hiccups
Hiccups in cats, like in humans, are a sharp contraction of the diaphragm and are a violation of breathing. It can occur for various reasons and have a different duration.
Loving owners need to pay close attention to the health of a cat or cat if hiccups occur with enviable regularity. Causes of hiccups can be both physiological and psychological.
So, a cat can hiccup because of what she has suffered.
Hiccups can also be caused by physiological causes, the most common of which are hypothermia and cold food, as well as
However, incessant, pathological hiccups are almost always one of the
How to help a pet?
If the cat lacks your attention or she is cold, hiccups and trembles, then the solutions to the problem are very simple. Caress your pet, warm it up, and everything will pass. It’s also easy to fix feeding bugs by offering your cat a new place to eat and constantly making sure she has enough water.
However, if the hiccups are constant, if the cat’s behavior is seriously changing, if disturbing symptoms are added to the hiccups, then you should immediately visit the veterinary clinic and examine the pet.