The breed of the dog from the movie “The Mask”: what is its appearance, character and care

The breed of the dog from the movie “The Mask”: what is its appearance, character and care

Thanks to irresistible humor, incendiary music, special effects and an excellent cast, the film “Mask” has gained immense popularity. The hero of this film, putting on a mask, is transformed, becoming free, funny, cheerful and omnipotent. This hero has his own favorite – this is Milo the dog. This devoted and intelligent cartoon lover is always ready to help his master. For those who do not understand the breeds, it seems that an ordinary funny mongrel is being shot as Milo. But that’s not the case at all. The favorite of the protagonist belongs to the breed of hunting dogs – Jack Russell Terrier.

A bit of history

The history of the Jack Russell Terrier dog breed began in English Devon. There, church minister Jack Russell spent his free time boxing and hunting. For to hunt badgers, in 1819 the pastor began to breed dogs, having bought for this a bitch, in whose family there were terriers. She had a coarse coat, a white body, and yellow-brown spots around the eyes, ears and at the base of the tail. Some time later, many terriers with this color appeared on the Jack Russell kennel.

These short dogs (up to 35 centimeters) with strong paws and narrow shoulders were excellent burrowers, so local farmers were happy to buy them for hunting badgers and foxes.

Aggressive individuals, which during the hunt could injure and damage the animal, were eliminated by the pastor. To improve the speed qualities of his pets, he crossed them with greyhounds, and to enhance their sense of smell – with beagles. Jack Russell did not consider his dogs a separate breed, so he did not register it. However, after his death, it took shape and took shape.

Later, to give Jack Russell Terriers new qualities, they were crossed with Corgis and Dachshunds. From corgi terriers got smart, and from dachshunds – an improvement in hunting characteristics. As a result of the work carried out, a subspecies of the breed with shorter legs was obtained. In 1999, these terriers were divided into two breeds: the stocky Jack Russell Terrier and the long-legged Parsel Russell Terrier. The dog from the movie “The Mask” is a breed of squat terriers by Jack Russell.

The appearance of the favorite of the audience from the movie “The Mask”

The Jack Russell Terrier is an active, intelligent, strong, working dog with a flexible body of medium length. In addition, it has a number of other characteristics:

  • her coat may be rough, smooth, or broken;
  • the length of the body of a dog of this breed is greater than its height. The girth of her chest is about forty-three centimeters. An important proportion is the equality of the height of the body from the shoulder blades to the sternum and the length of the front leg from the elbow to the ground. Possessing a narrow chest, the terrier, during the hunt, easily climbs into holes in order to pull out the beast;
  • The Jack Russell Terrier has a very modest stature, an elongated body and strong legs. All these parameters indicate its relationship with dachshunds. The weight of the dog from the movie “Mask” is no more than six kilograms. A pet that is purchased for exhibitions usually has its tail docked;
  • Terriers have a spotted color, which can combine white, red, brown or black. Their coat is hard and smooth, and this makes it very convenient to keep it in the apartment. These are very clean dogs. To avoid unwanted shedding, it will be enough to comb their coat every morning.


Jack Russell Terriers are intelligent and very friendly companion dogs with increased activity. Mobility of character and ingenuity are inherent in this breed of dog not only on the screen in the movie “The Mask”, but also in real life. Therefore, for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or are very busy, they are completely unsuitable. Terrier requires constant communication, running around, walking, outdoor games. Without all this, they will yearn.

These are very loyal dogs, which are completely unusual for aggression. Cynologists recommend them to families with children or those who love to travel. With a hyperactive child, the terrier will be happy to play without harming him, and for travelers he will become a brave and cheerful companion.

Love this breed of dogs and fans of dog shows. Terriers lend themselves perfectly to training, and at exhibitions they feel quite confident.


Jack Russell Terriers are quite unpretentious in food, so feeding them does not cause problems. They will not eat more than is necessary to expend their energy while walking, playing or hunting.

Caring for this breed of dog is very easy. For this no extra procedures required, just a standard concern:

  • cut nails in time;
  • grooming and caring for hair;
  • keep your ears and eyes clean.

It should be remembered that the main feature of these terriers is the desire to be a hunting dog. Therefore, they should be given the opportunity satisfy their “hunting instincts”, otherwise, from an excess of energy, they will begin to dig, destroy and gnaw everything that gets in their way. With a dog, starting from its puppyhood, you should mess around more often, educate it and direct its energy in the direction you need.

Here is such a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed from the movie “The Mask” – dexterous and fast, fidgety and small, at the same time a good and fearless friend for his master. Such an intelligent and devoted pet is desired by many pet lovers.

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