The Best Dog Breeds for Kids
Children and dogs fit together like peanut butter and jam. A dog for children is not only a source of love and a faithful companion, it can also teach your child important lessons in responsibility and compassion. That being said, some dog breeds tend to be more suitable for children than others. If you are ready to give your children a new furry family member, but do not know which dog to choose, we have compiled for you a selection of the best dog breeds for children.
What makes a dog suitable for children?
The best dog breeds for children tend to have the equanimity and a lot of patience to deal with a child’s energy and restlessness, enough stamina to withstand rough handling and play, and a gentle and loving disposition. Your family may have additional requirements to consider. Choosing the breed that is best for your family depends on a few key factors:
- Energy level: Like people, animals are very different in terms of energy. The dog you choose should match your family’s energy level. If your family generally has a sedentary lifestyle, or if you’re too busy to include long walks or lots of playtime in your schedule, you need to look for a breed that doesn’t require a lot of exercise or activity. Likewise, if your family is active and enjoys walking or hiking, a dog that can handle your stress is more suitable.
Size: The appropriate dog size largely depends on the age of your children. For example, small dogs such as the Chihuahua are not the best choice for babies and young children, as they can be easily injured if handled roughly or dropped. Older children, on the other hand, may be able to handle a small dog with reasonable care. Large breeds that are overly playful or hyperactive are also bad for toddlers, although some, like the Newfoundland, are gentle giants who are loving and patient with small children.
Temperament: Choose dogs with an affectionate, deadpan disposition that loves children. Animals that are calm, happy and accommodating, but not excitable, stubborn or aggressive, usually get along well with children of any age. Smart, well-trained pets can also do a better job of teaching house rules and getting along with the rest of the family.
- Age The age of the dog you are looking for can also make a difference in how well it gets along with your kids. Puppies, although they are cute, learn and explore the world around them, just like your children. So as you give your kids attention and help them grow, remember that puppies need a lot of attention to develop too. If you’re more interested in adopting a well-behaved dog that is trained to interact with people and already knows basic commands, look for it at your local animal shelters.
Looking for the right dog
We recommend that you start by reading Hill’s Dog Breeds Directory, where you can learn about the main characteristics and characteristics of various breeds. It is not necessary to spend thousands of rubles to get a purebred dog. Dogs of almost any breed can be found in animal shelters and rescue organizations. Do not think that if the dog was left in a shelter, then something is wrong with it. Many pets are given to shelters for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with their behavior.
Even if you have already opted for a particular breed, do not refuse to consider other options. The temperament of purebred dogs can have pronounced traits, while mixed breeds tend to have an average temperament, combining the best features of their parents’ breeds. Mixed-breed dogs are also often more resilient and less prone to breed-specific health issues. It’s a good idea to arrange a meeting between your children and a particular dog to make sure that the potential four-legged friend meets your expectations and is a good fit for your children. We also recommend that you ask in more detail about any dog that you are going to take into the house. Be sure to ask yourself a few questions before you decide to take this crucial step:
- Does this dog get along well with everyone in the house? Some dogs are afraid of men or children, while others just need time to get used to the new environment.
Does every member of your family get along with a dog? It is important that you and your children feel comfortable around a new dog. Children can sometimes be afraid of animals, and they need time to get used to, but this point should still be taken into account when getting a pet.
Do you and your dog have the same energy?
What care and maintenance is required for this dog? Does it need to be brushed regularly? Or is it an adult dog with known health problems who needs frequent visits to the veterinarian?
If you have other pets, will this dog get along well with them?
The Best Dog Breeds for Kids
According to the American Kennel Club, these eight breeds (regardless of their place on the list) are the best for children based on the features listed above:
- Bulldog
- Beagle
- Newfoundland
- Golden retriever
- Labrador retriever
- Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
- Bull Terrier
- Boxer
For children, according to PetMD, the Poodle, Irish Setter, Collie, and Hungarian Vizsla also work well.
Although these breeds differ from each other in terms of energy levels, they are all generally friendly, calm, good-natured, quick-witted and relatively well trained. The dogs of these breeds are quite strong, medium to large in size, and are quite capable of playing with children without getting hurt.
Children and dogs can form a special bond. Communication with a pet will help your child become an adult, responsible and compassionate. It all starts with choosing the best dog for your family. After studying the available information, getting all the necessary answers and choosing not just the cutest or most accessible, but the most suitable dog, you can make the life of your family with a pet happy, safe and harmonious.