The age of the rabbit is not a hindrance!
Decorative rabbits are the cutest creatures that delight owners with their curiosity, love of life and activity. But, like other pets, with age, rabbits become lethargic, they can develop various diseases, as the immune system becomes weaker and other not-so-pleasant changes occur in the body. However, old age is not a disease, and negative changes can be dealt with. Read about how to do this in our article.
The main guarantee of youth and excellent health is a proper balanced diet. The health of our pets directly depends on how and what we feed them. A high-quality diet that saturates the body with all the substances necessary for harmonious development is the main fighter with negative age-related changes.
The body’s needs change with age. For example, if babies need high-calorie food, then adult rabbits need lighter food. Thus, a certain food is suitable for each age period, and under no circumstances should older pets be fed a diet for young ones. You should choose special diets for older rabbits (for adult rabbits over 7 years old). The composition of such feeds is carefully designed to combat weakening of the immune system, lack of vitamins and the so-called “senile diseases”, and it is these feeds that allow you to prolong the youth of your pets.
What features should have food for older rabbits?
Hay as a basis. Rabbits are herbivores, and the basis of the diet of herbivores should be coarse fibrous feed (high-quality hay, grass, greens (leaf lettuce, carrot tops, celery, etc.). For older rabbits, it is best to choose 100% third-cut hay, as it is characterized lower energy and prevent weight gain (eg Fiory Micropills).
“Correct” fiber. When choosing food, pay attention to the percentage of digestible fiber. The optimal ratio for older rabbits: NDF fiber 44,7%, ADF fiber 27,2% – a useful cell consumed in nature.
No grain. Grains should not be the mainstay of a herbivore’s diet, they should only be used as a supplement, in limited quantities. A large amount of cereals is poorly absorbed by rabbits and leads to disruption of the digestive tract, as well as to weight gain.

Nutraceuticals, vitamins and chelate materials in the composition. Those same builders of strong immunity and the proper functioning of body systems, which is so important in old age.
Organic selenium in the composition. Needed to protect cells from exposure to toxins and other harmful substances. Selenium supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents age-related changes and supports the immune system.
Feed in granules. It is better to choose feed in granules (pellets). So the rabbit will not have the opportunity to choose one or another component of the feed, and together with the granules, his body will receive all the substances he needs every day.
High quality packaging. In order for the feed to retain its beneficial properties for a long time, it is better to choose packages with a zip lock. Another advantage is the freshness control system when the feed is packaged in a modified atmosphere. You don’t have to worry about the quality of these rations!
That’s all the basic information you need to know about the diet for older rabbits. Now forward for the “rejuvenating apple”! Good luck to your animals.