Thorakatum, sometimes spelled through “a” – Tarakatum scientific name Megalechis thoracata, belongs to the Callichthyidae family (armored or callichthy catfishes). An easy-to-maintain medium-sized catfish is often used as a kind of aquarium cleaner, eating up the rest of the food after the rest of the inhabitants. Suitable for most general aquariums, and even some African cichlids.
This species has the ability to swallow atmospheric air, rising to the surface. This allows the fish to survive difficult conditions in their natural habitat, a habit that persists in the aquarium despite more favorable conditions.
They are widely distributed throughout the Amazon and Orinoco basins, as well as in the upper reaches of the Paraguay River in what is now Brazil. Prefers quiet backwaters, whirlpools with stagnant water or a weak current.
An elongated body covered with two rows of bone plates. In males, the first ray of the dorsal ladle is a toothed spike. The coloration is light gray with dark spots all over the body. In females and juveniles, the abdomen is white.
Accepts all types of dry, live and frozen food. The main condition is that the food must be sinking. A varied diet allows you to maintain a high tone. Feed 2-3 times a day, the amount eaten in 5 minutes, although this is a conditional time, the Thorakatum will be constantly on the move in search of food, simultaneously removing algae and organic plaque from the walls.
Maintenance and care
General freshwater aquarium with coarse clean sand or fine gravel and plants with strong root systems. The presence of shelters from snags, intertwined roots and branches of trees is welcome.
Water parameters (pH and dH) do not matter, the catfish is adapted to various conditions. The composition of the equipment includes a filter, a heater, an aerator and a lighting system.
The maintenance of the aquarium is determined by the needs of other inhabitants; for the Thorakatum itself, it is enough to clean the soil once every two weeks and renew part of the water with fresh water.
Peaceful fish, which is one of the best aquarium cleaners, is nocturnal, during the day it prefers to hide in a shelter. Compatible with many types of fish, including aggressive ones (provided that they are of similar or smaller size), since it has reliable armor against their attacks. They can be kept alone or in a group.
Breeding / breeding
The method of reproduction is unique for catfish and consists in building a nest and subsequent protection of eggs. Spawning is recommended to be carried out in a separate tank with a sandy bottom and small herbaceous vegetation. From the equipment you will need a heater and a simple sponge filter at the lowest power.
When the male starts building a nest of bubbles, this is a clear sign of imminent spawning, which means that the couple is ready to be placed in a separate tank. Already in a new place, the male will begin to create the next nest, where the female lays eggs. After that, she retires to the general aquarium, and the male remains for protection. During this period, he becomes noticeably more aggressive, and can also attack the female.
The fry appear within 48 hours, and after 3-4 days they begin to swim freely. Feed with microfood: brine shrimp nauplii, crushed flakes, granules. The male should be placed back into the community tank as soon as the juveniles appear, as there are known cases where the offspring have been eaten.
Fish diseases
The main reason for the health problems of the Thorakatum is the unsatisfactory habitat. In a balanced biosystem of a mature aquarium, this happens extremely rarely. Read more about symptoms and treatments in the Aquarium Fish Diseases section.