Sugar possum: description, characteristics and maintenance at home
For a long time, no one is surprised at a cat in the house, lying in the master’s chair or a dog running out into the hallway with a joyful bark. But in recent years, exotic pets began to appear in the homes of our compatriots, who came to us from all over the world. It can be an iguana or Achatina, a ferret or a chinchilla, a tarantula or an opossum. The little squirrel or sugar opossum has won the hearts of the inhabitants of almost the whole world.
Sugar possum: description
The sugar squirrel or marsupial flying squirrel lives in the northern and eastern regions of Australia, in New Guinea, in Tasmania, on the islands of the Bismarck archipelago.
It is an arboreal marsupial, the smallest and most common type of possum. He got his names because of the ability to soar through the air and because of the love of sweets. The weight of the possum depends on the sex and ranges from ninety to one hundred and sixty grams. It has a thin, slightly elongated body. The length of an adult animal can reach forty-two centimeters, of which about half is accounted for by a fluffy tail. The hair of possums is usually gray-blue, but there are animals with yellow or yellow-brown hair. It is very rare to find albino possums.
Its fur is thick and soft. Brown stripes are located on the back and muzzle of the animal. The belly is white, with a cream shade. Possums have a small, slightly pointed muzzle. He has rather large ears, they are able to turn like locators in the direction of outgoing sound. Large black eyes are bordered with black rims stretching to the ears. They help you see perfectly in the dark.
The limbs of sugar possums are very well developed. On each paw they have five long thin fingers with sharp claws. Such “aristocratic” fingers allow you to get larvae and small insects from under the bark, and sharp claws – to keep well on flexible branches.
The main feature of the marsupial flying squirrel is a thin membrane that stretches along the sides of the body from the wrist to the ankle. When the possum jumps, the membrane stretches and forms an aerodynamic surface. This allows the animal glide up to fifty meters. By relaxing or stretching the membrane, the possum regulates the direction of flight. The tail and legs also help him in this. Thus, marsupial flying squirrels fly from tree to tree.
Male sugar gliders mark their territory with scent glands located on their chest, forehead, and back of the body. Males are distinguished from females by a small bald spot on the forehead, in the place where the gland is located. Female animals in the center of the abdomen have a bag that is designed for bearing offspring.
The possum spends its main time on trees, very rarely descending to the ground. Most often they are found in eucalyptus forests.
Since these are nocturnal animals, their activity they show up at night. During the day, possums sleep in hollows or other hollows of trees that serve as their shelter.
The animals live in small groups, which can contain up to seven adults and babies of the current breeding season. The dominant male marks the territory and his fellow tribesmen with secretions from the glands. Strangers who have a different smell are expelled from their territory.
Sugar gliders do not like the cold, so in rainy or cold weather, their activity is limited. The animals become inactive and lethargic, hibernate. This way of life in winter allows them to conserve energy at a time when the possibility of obtaining food is reduced.
Under natural conditions, possums feed on spiders and insects, birds and small animals, and the sap of local trees.
Sugar possum. Content at home
Keeping marsupial flying squirrels at home is not an easy task, troublesome, but possible. To do this, you must follow all the rules dictated by these animals.
Cons of keeping possums at home
- There will be no sugar possum adapt to the owner’s daily routine. He will behave as usual. At night, the marsupial flying squirrel will not sleep, but will jump around the cage, make various sounds, and rattle rods. Therefore, for his cell, it is best to take a separate room, which will be located away from the bedroom.
- Possums are not very clean and do not know how to use the toilet. Since in nature they jump from tree to tree practically without falling to the ground, they urinate on the fly. So at home, they will mark furniture, wallpaper and even the owner with their excrement.
- Possums are used to marking their territory with special glands. This is a very specific smell. It’s almost impossible to get it off your clothes.so it will take some getting used to.
- Under no circumstances should Possums be trusted to children. This will benefit both the children and the animal. If you squeeze it in your hand, then it can bite hard. The sugar possum loves to run over its owner like it is on a tree, leaving deep wounds with its claws that do not heal well.
But, despite all the disadvantages in keeping marsupial flying squirrels at home, there are much more pluses.
Conditions of detention
At home, sugar possum requires maximum space. It must be remembered that the animals are very active, and their element is trees.
- It is better to keep them in spacious aviary cages with a distance between the bars. about 1.3 cm. The rods must have a PVC coating. Animals are very smart, so you need to take care of a reliable lock.
- The cage should have a drinker and several feeders. Before hanging up a drinker, you should make sure that your pet is accustomed to it. Otherwise, the animal may simply die of thirst. Feeders should be metal or ceramic, small in size.
- Climbing gear should be built inside the cage. It can be branches, pipes for rodents, ladders, ropes.
- Necessary for a possum in a cage and hanging house. It can be wooden or fabric. The passage to the house should be seven to nine centimeters in diameter. If you have a couple of animals, then soon there may be offspring. In this case, the house will have to be lowered so that the kids do not fall.
- Since possums mark their territory, the cage and its contents need to be washed frequently. In this case, you must be very careful with detergents. Everything should be rinsed well.
- You can not let the animals go free-range in the house where other animals or birds of prey live.
- It should be remembered that possums do not like drafts, temperatures below twenty degrees and bright lighting.
Prohibited products:
- birdseed;
- cheese;
- raisins;
- grapes;
- lettuce;
- lots of nuts.
Approximate balanced diet:
- Fruit is the most important food in a possum’s diet. They should make up 70% of the serving.
- Protein food should be 30% of the serving.
- The food should be less phosphorus and more calcium.
- Give little sweets, only as a treat.
- You can give some meat supplements (unsalted boiled chicken or turkey).
- You can not do without live food (grasshoppers or zoofobs).
- Once a week, honey should be given, which has a good effect on digestion.
Of course, keeping sugar gliders is far from easy. However, those who are not afraid of difficulties can safely start fluffy marsupial flyers and they will give about fifteen unforgettable years of communication.