spotted ctenopoma
Aquarium Fish Species

spotted ctenopoma

The spotted ctenopoma, scientific name Ctenopoma weeksii, belongs to the family Anabantidae (Crawlers), suborder Labyrinth fish. The fish is native to Africa. Inhabits the Congo River basin on the territory of the states of the same name of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It lives in stagnant or little moving water bodies: backwaters of rivers, lakes, lagoons and swamps. It occurs on the outskirts near the coast among dense aquatic vegetation.

spotted ctenopoma


Adults reach a length of about 12 cm. The fish has a laterally flattened body and a large head. The dorsal and anal fins are shifted back, closer to the tail. The color is gray with dark pigmentation or brown. On the sides is located on a large black spot.

Being a native of waters very poor in oxygen, this group of fish has learned to breathe, including atmospheric air. They swallow a bubble of air from the surface, then a special organ extracts oxygen. This organ is located in the region of the gills and is penetrated by a dense network of capillaries, resembling a complex labyrinth in structure. It was the presence of such an organ that gave the name to the entire detachment – Labyrinth fish.

Behavior and Compatibility

Calm and non-aggressive fish. However, by nature it is a predator, so any small fish will be considered food.

The hunting method is similar to that of the Leaf Fish. The spotted ctenopoma is motionless among the thickets of plants, swaying like a leaf that has fallen into the water, and swiftly attacks the prey swimming nearby.

In the aquarium, it occupies a certain territory, a kind of hunting ground, which imposes some restrictions on joint maintenance. If several Ctenopes are settled at the same time, then they are distributed throughout the tank, occupying their own site. If you settle the fish at different times, then conflicts over the territory may arise. The first fish will perceive subsequent ones as violators.

Compatible with many types of comparable size. These can be flocks of Tetra-Congo or Golden Congo, various types of Barbs, Synodontis catfish, exotic Polypterus or African Butterflyfish.

Brief information:

  • The volume of the aquarium – from 70 liters.
  • Temperature – 24-28°C
  • Value pH — 6.2–7.2
  • Water hardness – soft to medium hard (5-15 dGH)
  • Substrate type – any dark
  • Lighting – subdued
  • Brackish water – no
  • Water movement – little or no
  • The size of the fish is up to 12 cm.
  • Nutrition – foods high in protein
  • Temperament – conditionally peaceful
  • Keeping alone, in a pair of male / female or in a group
  • Life expectancy – up to 15 years in favorable conditions

Maintenance and care, arrangement of the aquarium

The optimal size of the aquarium for one Spotted Ctenopoma starts from 70 liters. In the design, the use of a large number of aquatic plants, snags, branches, as well as leaves and tree bark is mandatory. The lighting is subdued, so shade-loving views are preferred. The substrate is dark, silty.

The fish can jump out of the aquarium. It is recommended to cover it with a lid or similar protective devices.

It is considered a hardy and unpretentious species. Life in tropical swamps made it possible to adapt to oxygen deficiency and high concentrations of decomposition products of plant organic matter.

However, do not neglect the regular maintenance of the aquarium. It is necessary to replace part of the water with fresh water weekly, remove uneaten food residues in a timely manner, clean the soil and carry out preventive maintenance of equipment.


They prefer live food. Can be accustomed to alternative foods in the form of freeze-dried, fresh or frozen bloodworms, pieces of mussels, shrimp, earthworms, etc. As a rule, do not accept dry food.


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