Spherocarium, scientific name Sphaerocaryum malaccense. In nature, it is widely distributed in tropical Asia, growing along the banks of swampy reservoirs. In Europe, it has been known as an aquarium plant since 2014.
Although the main growing environment is aerial, this plant successfully adapts to growth under water.
When submerged, it reaches no more than 30 cm in height, forming slender sprouts with alternating ovate or lanceolate leaves. Like many herbaceous plants, the petiole is absent, and the leaf blades are attached directly to the stem, as if enveloping it with a base. The color of the leaves is green with red tints. It looks most impressive in clusters (bushes) rather than individual sprouts.
The following phenomenon can often be observed – the appearance of air bubbles in the axils of the leaves of young plants.
The maintenance of the Spherokarium requires a certain amount of experience. It is recommended to use a special aquarium soil rich in trace elements and provide a high level of lighting. It is worth noting that too bright light leads to the appearance of red shades in the color of the leaves, and with a lack of it, they turn yellow. It simplifies the growing process that for this plant the main hydrochemical parameters (pH and dGH) are not significant.