Signs of illness in aquarium fish
Aquarium fish cannot tell us that they suddenly feel unwell, that something hurts them, or that they do not like the water in the aquarium. Meanwhile, they are incredibly sensitive creatures that often react to minor (in our opinion) changes with severe stress. So by what signs can you determine that a silent pet is unwell?
And for starters, you should understand that in a healthy environment and with proper feeding, aquarium fish rarely get sick. If health problems have appeared, their source must be sought in the conditions of detention. Under adverse conditions, the fish experience extreme stress, which negatively affects their health, weakens the immune system and makes the body open to various infections. Therefore, it is very important to notice the pet’s malaise in a timely manner and take measures to stop the problem in the bud. We list the main signs of diseases of aquarium fish.
Behavioral manifestations
Abrupt change in behavior.
Loss of appetite.
Fish begin to choke near the surface of the water (possible causes: gill parasites and poor water quality).
Fish “itch” on aquarium equipment (possible causes: skin parasites and poor water quality).
Fish twitching their fins (possible causes: fin disease, poor water quality).

External signs
Cloudy or gray mucus on the skin (possible causes: ciliate infection, poor water quality).
Mucus on fins (possible causes: fin disease, poor water quality).
Light coating, yellowish rashes on the skin (possible cause: oodiniasis).
White dots on the skin and fins (possible cause: ichthyophthyroidism or “semolina”).
Cloudy eyes, bulging eyes (possible causes: physical damage, bacterial infection, poor water quality).
Ulcers, red streaks on the body and fins (possible causes: bacteria, poor water quality).
White formations on the body, darkening of the color (possible cause: fungal disease).
Corroded mouth and head with white growths (possible cause: saprolegnia).
Swollen body, protruding scales (possible cause: dropsy).
- The formation of holes on the head, white discharge from them (possible cause: hole disease, flagella).
As soon as you notice these or other signs, take urgent measures to eliminate problems with the environment in the aquarium and, if necessary, begin a medical treatment recommended by a professional aquarist.
Take care of your pets and don’t get sick!