Short-legged cats: Munchkin and more
They are called dwarves, translated from English – “gnomes”. But these are not small bearded men with hatchets, but short-legged cats. Munchkins and other cat breeds with short legs require a lot of attention from their owners. Read more about them in the article.
The first cat breed with short legs is the Munchkin. Shortened limbs were the result of a natural mutation, therefore they did not harm the health of animals. Later, when breeders joined the breeding, difficulties with the spine and other organs began to arise, so today the Munchkin needs specialized care.
Sometimes a glitch occurs in the genetic code, and then the offspring get paws of normal length. Such pets cannot take part in special exhibitions.
By nature, these short-legged cats are playful and sociable, have a fairly high level of intelligence. There are short-haired and semi-long-haired Munchkins.
The next breed of cats with short legs was bred artificially from Munchkins. Unlike their ancestors, the kinkalow has a thicker coat, although they can still be short-haired and semi-longhaired. A remarkable detail of appearance is the ears bent back.
These short-legged cats are playful and friendly, easily making friends with people of all ages. The breed is considered expensive and rare, distributed mainly in the United States. In Russia, the cost of a kinkalow kitten starts at $200.
Lamkin or lambkin
This breed of short-legged cats is jokingly called “sheep”. Lamkins were bred as a result of crossing Munchkins and curly Selkirk Rex. Fluffies are smart and quick-witted, but acquiring them is not so easy. The main points of breeding pets are the USA and New Zealand. In Russia, a lamkin kitten costs at least $550.
Unusual cats with short legs resemble sphinxes in the absence of wool. Not surprising, because sphinxes, as well as munchkins, devon rexes and burmese are the ancestors of the breed. Minskins have small areas of hair on the muzzle, paw tips, tail and sparse hairs on the body. This breed of short-legged cats is also called “hobbits”.
By nature, pets are curious, they love to climb high surfaces. Often Minskins get along with dogs and become their real friends.
Short-legged skookuma cats are similar to lamkins, although in their genesis there are completely different breeds – la perms. By nature, pets are independent, playful and active. In Russia, the breed is extremely rare, and a kitten can cost a fortune.
In the photo, short-legged Bambino cats resemble Minskins. However, there are differences both in appearance and in character. Bambinos are easier to train and more difficult to experience separation from a person. They are smaller than Minskins and do not have as much wool.
The name of these cats with short legs came to a man from the world of wildlife. For a long time, only small African predators were called genets, which, with a strong desire, can be domesticated. But in such animals there is still too much turbulent blood. Therefore, domestic genetts were bred from Munchkins, Savannahs and Bengals. The result is an affectionate, playful, short-legged breed.
A very rare breed of pets with short legs, not recognized by all connoisseurs of the cat world. Sometimes dwelfs are compared with aliens for their naked and elongated body, small legs, and curled ears. Cats are distinguished for intelligence and friendliness.
We tried to give a complete answer to the question, what are the names of cat breeds with short legs. Most of them are experimental, and people are still getting used to such pets. But such interest says that cat gnomes have come to the human house for a long time.