

Only after the horse has been inspected and cleaned can it be saddled. You need to get out of the stall, remove the saddle from the bracket.

  1. After turning the saddle over, carefully inspect the sweatshirt, as wrinkles on it and even small specks can cause significant damage to the horse’s skin. Now, from the side of the front bow, put your bent left hand under the saddle with a sweatshirt and with them go to the left side of the horse.
  2. Stand facing the horse, with your free right hand, grasp the back pommel with a sweatshirt, and with your left hand, the front pommel.
  3. Lift the saddle up and carefully place it on the horse’s back so that the withers are initially covered by the pommel.
  4. Do not rush to move the saddle to the working position. First, inspect the padding, straighten the wrinkles under the leather wings of the saddle and align the padding so that its center seam runs under the horizontal axis of the saddle. With your right hand, pull up the edge of the sweatshirt from under the front pommel.
  5. Now you can move the saddle towards the horse’s loins with a light pressure of the left hand. The saddle, together with the sweatshirt, pliantly slid down from the withers and stopped. Having done this, you have smoothed the fur on the back with a sweatshirt and set the saddle in the correct position: sitting on the horse, you will not significantly disturb its center of gravity and, therefore, will not interfere with its movements.
  6. Before fixing the saddle on the horse’s back, carefully check that it does not move too far forward at the withers and is not moved far back towards the croup; there must be a sufficient gap between the sweatshirt and the withers. This is a very important saddle point. Incorrect saddle position can damage the withers. Remember: No part of the saddle should touch the withers.
  7. Do not rush to throw the girths lying on the saddle to the right side. Move to the right side and only after that, with a gentle movement of the right hand, lower the girths down. Just straighten them and put the back – the second – girth on the front first.
  8. Return to the left side of the horse. With your left hand, hold the saddle, and with your right hand, take the front girth and, without much tension, fasten it to the front girth.
  9. Now fasten your back girth. The back girth should lie on top of the front girth.

It is not necessary to tighten them strongly in the stable. The impact of a girth tightened in the stall to failure can cause the horse to develop negative habits: it will refuse to leave the stall, stand on the “candle”, inflate its stomach. Due to the tight girths, the horse can even fall in the stall. So let her get used to the pressure of the saddle and girths as she moves from the stall to the training area.

In the stable, the saddle is only fixed on the horse’s body so that the girths prevent it from moving out of the correct position.

The girths should not lie too close to the forelegs and too far.

Between the girths and the front legs, leave a distance approximately equal to the width of the palm – 10 – 12 cm.

Stirrup Length Adjustment

Having finished the preliminary tightening of the girths, release the left stirrup from the bandage threaded into it and move the stirrup down to failure.

Holding the stirrup with your right hand, rest against the shneller with the fingers of a straightened left hand and tighten the putliche along it. The total length of the putlisch with a stirrup should be equal to the length of the outstretched arm. If the stirrup does not reach the shoulder or goes beyond it, then, by unfastening the buckle, lengthen or shorten the putliche. Fasten the buckle and pull it up to the shneller, otherwise you may rub the buckle on your leg while riding.

When moving on the occasion, an unfilled stirrup is bound to swing. A dangling stirrup can catch on something and cause injury to the horse.

You must pull the stirrup along the bottom strap of the putlisch to the shneller.

Everything is correct, it remains only to thread the loop of the putlish into the raised stirrup.

When you have finished adjusting the length of the right stirrup, return to the left side and prepare to lift the horse out of the stall.

  • Alexander 14 April 2008 city


  • alternate1611 12th of October 2013

    the coach will teach you everything, but if not, then it is very useful and informative. For zeros. Answer

  • Dashunka 17th of June 2011

    many in the saddle are very tight on the girth … Answer

  • Dashunka 17th of June 2011

    many in the saddle are very tight on the girth … Answer

  • mur 23 March 2012 city

    You know, in my opinion, it is impossible to tighten the girth. If you do not fasten at least one division, the saddle can slide along with the saddle pad and sweatshirt =( Answer

  • Sasha09 16 2012 of August

    Usually the trainer teaches this, but good information =) Answer

  • Iluha 27 September 2014 of

    agree Reply

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