Rules for mating cats
The first and most important rule concerns the possibility of knitting pet. It is recommended to untie those animals that are of breeding value for the breed. To find out if your pet is one or not, you should consult with an experienced breeder or try to take part in a cat show. Experts will appreciate the animal and even be able to recommend a future partner to get quality kittens. However, this is not the only rule due to which mating can be considered successful.
What should I look for?
Eliminate hormonal therapy of the cat before mating. Mating is carried out after a few heats, when the cat is 10-15 months old. In no case should you suppress empty estrus with hormonal drugs. They affect the development of the fetus and the state of the reproductive system of the cat, which carries the risk of developing pathologies in kittens, the birth of dead babies and pregnancy complications;
Take care of vaccination and antiparasitic prophylaxis. Animals that are planned to be bred must be vaccinated against calicivirus, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and rabies. It is advisable to get vaccinated against chlamydia. Also, the cat and cat used in breeding should be examined for chronic viral infections (viral leukemia and viral immunodeficiency). In addition, two weeks before the cat should be treated for worms, as well as ectoparasites – ticks and fleas. Experts do not recommend bathing a cat two weeks before mating, so as not to wash off the specific smell of the female;
To prove your pet’s health, show your partner’s owners a veterinary passport. It would not be superfluous to also ask to demonstrate a document on the health of the future father;
Pay attention to the partner’s mating experience. If this is the first mating for your cat, choose an experienced partner for her. If for both pets this mating is the first, then it may be delayed or not take place in principle: the animals may be confused;
Determine the territory of mating and the things necessary for the pet. As a rule, mating takes place on the territory of the cat. It is believed that the male should feel more confident. The terms and conditions for keeping a cat in the house of the owners of the cat are stipulated in the contract, usually a couple of days. At this time, the animal will definitely need a bowl and favorite food, a tray with filler, as well as a carrier so that the cat can rest in its usual place;
Draw up a contract. Owners who are engaged in breeding breeds, as a rule, draw up a contract before mating. The sample is available from the breeders of the club. The document prescribes the basic conditions for mating cats and controversial issues that may arise.
The contract is a rather important part of mating, especially if you seriously decide to start breeding. In this case, you should responsibly approach the preparation of documents. The contract should include all key points:
Vaccination conditions and confirmed absence of diseases in cats;
Terms and conditions of keeping the female in the house of the owners of the cat;
Terms of payment for mating;
Distribution of kittens and reward for them;
Solving controversial issues related to unsuccessful conception, miscarriage or death of kittens;
Registration of kittens in the club.
The success of mating cats largely depends on the owners of the animals. Do not neglect the help of professional breeders and veterinarians, and if you have questions, do not be afraid to contact them, because the health and quality of future kittens is your responsibility.
July 4 2017
Updated: October 5, 2018