Royal python: content at home
Origin, appearance, habitat

Royal python habitat
There are especially many such snakes in Africa, large populations are found in Senegal, Mali and Chad. Reptiles are very fond of heat and humidity. They are often found near water bodies.
The royal python spends a lot of time in its hole, where it sleeps and lays eggs. It is not uncommon to see reptiles near people’s homes. Interestingly, people usually do not oppose such a neighborhood, because the snake does a good job of exterminating small rodents.
What to feed a royal python
Keeping a royal python at home should be accompanied by proper feeding. This reptile is carnivorous. Mice, rats, quails or chickens are fed. For domestic snakes, food should be stored frozen, and served only when brought to room temperature or even better slightly warmed up on a lamp or battery, as they react to heat.
The feeding mode is selected individually. It is directly affected by the age, weight of the royal python, conditions of detention. Young animals can eat 1-2 per week, older ones – 1 time per 1-2 weeks.
In winter and during the rut period, the snake may refuse food for several weeks. Do not worry, because in nature the reptile behaves the same way.
It is very important not to overfeed the snake. One of the potential problems of keeping at home is pet obesity.
Character and lifestyle
The reptile loves to swim and moves quickly in the water. On land, it is not so agile, although it can crawl through trees, climb into hollows and nests created by other animals. She leads a predominantly terrestrial lifestyle.
The snake perfectly tolerates the neighborhood with a person. She does not attack children, does not bite, if she does not think that you are a mortal danger.
Features of the terrarium device for the royal python

The conditions for keeping the royal python should be as close to natural as possible. Here are some important tips for setting up a terrarium:
- The place must be spacious. It is best if it is horizontal. The optimal size of the terrarium for an adult is 90x45x45 cm. For a male, you can take a smaller terrarium – 60×4 5×45 cm. You can immediately purchase a large terrarium, as reptiles grow quite quickly. It makes no sense to buy a small one only for the first six months.
- The terrarium must be ventilated and have secure doors so that your pet does not run away, royal pythons are very curious.
- A woody substrate is poured onto the bottom, such as Rain Forest or Forest Bark. Do not use coco coir or shavings, as it is designed for high humidity, which the python does not need, and in the dry state it is very dusty, clogging the snake’s airways.
- It is important that the terrarium has 1-2 shelters: in warm and cold corners. So the python will be able to choose a comfortable temperature for him.
- Be sure to organize a small pool of water from which the reptile could drink. He must be stable.
Avoid excess moisture. Increase humidity during your pet’s shedding season.
The temperature in the warm zone should be between 33 and 38 degrees. In the cold – 24-26 degrees. At night, heating can not be turned off, but no additional means of heating should be installed without the recommendation of a specialist.
Royal python at Panteric pet shop
How to choose a terrarium and accessories to create comfortable conditions for your pet? Read this article!
The domestic snake is a non-poisonous, meek and friendly snake. This reptile will make a great companion. It can be kept in an ordinary city apartment. However, it is not so easy to provide her with a comfortable and happy life.
In this article, we will explain in detail how to care for a pet. We will tell you what they eat and how snakes breed.