Rider’s Guide: How to Switch After an Unfortunate Incident

Rider’s Guide: How to Switch After an Unfortunate Incident

Rider’s Guide: How to Switch After an Unfortunate Incident

Photo: Henry Moreigne.

Have you ever been in a situation where you have to perform, and suddenly an unpleasant incident or accident occurs? For example, a rider in front of you falls, or one of your horses is injured in the stall. In some cases, riders experience psychological difficulties when they receive bad news while at the tournament. How not to lose concentration in such difficult circumstances? Sports psychologist Annette Paterakis says.

Here are some ways to get rid of unpleasant thoughts in your head and focus on the action:

1. Make a decision.

First of all, make a decision for yourself: are you able and willing to continue to compete in this tournament. Only you can decide this, and it really depends on how important or unpleasant the incident is and how well you can deal with the emotions. Just remember, no matter what decision you make, you are not weak if you refuse to perform, and you are not soulless if you decide to continue.

2. Let go of the situation.

If you decide to continue competing in a tournament after an incident, you need to understand that your emotions and thoughts can distract you from riding. A very useful technique that I myself use and advise my clients is called “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EMT). This is a wonderful way to get rid of useless thoughts and emotions, perhaps even more beneficial than breathing exercises. If you are unfamiliar with EMT, look online or read a book on the subject to learn more about it and try it a few times if necessary.

3. Put everything in an imaginary box.

Now you must let go of all negative thoughts and emotions, imagine that you put these emotions, painful or unpleasant incident in an imaginary box (this is your box, and you can even design it yourself) or hidden in a safe. Imagine closing the lid and tying the box with tape, or closing the safe and locking it. Now that your problem is securely packaged, you can concentrate on your task.

4. Get into a productive state of mind.

When we are or have just been “on emotions”, excited or upset – we are in a psychological and moral state that is completely unsuitable for winning a tournament, isn’t it? Just know that it is in your power to reshape your consciousness.

Follow this plan:

1. Close your eyes and hum the tune to yourself.

2. Recall a moment when you felt proud, grateful, or admired for something. Relive this moment again. Feel what you felt then, imagine what you saw.

3. Let a feeling of pride, gratitude or admiration fill you. Double these sensations and feel them deeper.

4. Repeat this more than two times.

5. Take a deep breath and open your eyes with a sense of confidence and readiness to speak.

  • Riders Guide: How to Switch After an Unfortunate Incident
    ~The Ragnarok Horse~ 11 2020 of August

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