Results of the forum “Russian horse breeding and export – myth or reality”

Results of the forum “Russian horse breeding and export – myth or reality”

Results of the forum “Russian horse breeding and export – myth or reality”

On February 9, the forum “Russian horse breeding and export: myth or reality” was held at the Central Scientific Library of the RGAU-MSHA, organized by the Rosplemkonzavod Association. Many were rather skeptical about this idea, but still about 100 people gathered in the hall; up to 50 people watched the broadcast at different times.

The organizers announced an interesting program, but due to the length of the reports director of VNII Zaitsev A.M. и representative of the State sorting commission Tyurikov V.M. not everyone had time to discuss.

Moreover, the report Viktor Mikhailovich provoked a strong reaction from the participants. Firstly, of course, because of the volume: the speaker talked about 50 minutes. Secondly, because it was difficult to isolate theses that are useful for horse breeding.

And there are plenty of them: from the protection of intellectual property to the procedure for registering a selection achievement. An important conclusion was drawn Marina Politova:

“Firstly, for those who want to bring in a dozen mares of a foreign breed and cut them with foreign stallions according to the traditional European scheme, no, it will not be possible to quickly make a “breeding achievement” out of this. We need several generations, design, a well-thought-out breeding strategy, and a difference from other breeding achievements.

Secondly, no, our the state does not plan to support the expropriation and appropriation of other people’s breeding achievements: that is, if you want to register KWPN in Russia (in particular, to import them as breeding, without paying VAT), you need to obtain consent from the copyright holder (that over the past dozen years this path has been taken at least with the American miniature and French trotter – both breeds, by the way, still register horses in foreign studbooks).

As a representative of the Hanoverian League in Russia, I will add that in order to recognize the domestic population as equivalent to that in the homeland of the breed, it will be necessary to play by their rules, without our voluntarism in the selection of stallions (tested, not tested), etc.”.

A great success was the involvement of Associate Professor of the Financial University under the Government of Moscow, Doctor of Economics. Elena Balasaeva. In particular, she spoke about support under government export support programs and subsidizing exhibitions.

The main leitmotif of the forum was financial support from the state, as well as protection of the market from imports.

And it looks all the more wild against the background of statements like “a stud farm is a maternity hospital, others should teach” and “in Russia, athletes cannot reveal the talents of our horses.”

Colleagues at that moment were indignant, remembering the success of the horses Westphalia-Switzerland, the successes of the children’s, youth and junior teams in recent years. The idea was voiced on the net that breeding farms cannot dictate to the buyer what to buy. The manufacturer needs to find his target audience and work with it, while he is not ready to talk with the buyer and loses an impressive market share.

Thus, the conflict between producers and buyers is aggravated. The discussion turns into an eternal discussion of who is right and who is wrong. Particularly alarming is the fact that FKSR and VNIIK do not cooperate as closely as we would like.

On the other hand, social activists are trying to turn the tide, and have some success. For example, a good report was presented by the registrar of the Vyatka breed Belousova N.F.. She said, how to improve the reputation of a meat breed for a hobby breed with minimal investment and even increase the livestock.

Lyubov Ponkina from the project “Terets” shared experience promotion of horses by a non-profit organization.

How much is Maria? и Diana Medvedeva told about his project “Gold of the Don Steppes” and share their successes.

А Marina VelikanovaPresident Fund “Vladimirsky Trakt”, shared experience introduction of horses into agritourism.

On the net, the forum, perhaps, did not leave many indifferent, because they discussed pressing problems. And there is no reason to doubt the usefulness of such an event. The only question is whether someone wants to solve them, using the information received and the experience of colleagues.


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