Red-nosed shrimp
The red-nosed shrimp (Caridina gracilirostris) belongs to the Atyidae family. It is one of the strangest looking types of shrimp. It has elongated protrusions on its head, reminiscent of the “nose” or “rhinoceros horn”, which gives this species one of its many common names.
Red-nosed shrimp
Red-nosed shrimp, scientific name Caridina gracilirostris
Caridina gracilirostris
Shrimp Caridina gracilirostris, belongs to the family Atyidae
Maintenance and care
It is allowed to keep in a common aquarium, provided that peaceful fish of a similar or slightly larger size are selected as neighbors. They feed on algae, once a week you can serve spirulina flakes. In the design, areas with thickets of plants and places for shelters during molting, such as driftwood, fragments of wood, etc. are welcome. In addition, they serve as an excellent platform for the growth of algae.
Currently, all red-nosed shrimp supplied for sale are caught in the wild, and there have been no successful experiments in commercial breeding in an aquarium. When choosing, carefully pay attention to the color, a healthy individual has a transparent body, a milky shade indicates problems, and you should not purchase such specimens, even if the merchant says that everything is “OK”.
General hardness – 1–10°dGH
Value pH — 6.0–7.4
Temperature — 25–29°С