Red cats: all breeds and color options
Red cats and kittens are special animals with an unusual color and secrets. After all, the color of the coat of the majority is determined by the black pigment gene, and the red color has a unique red pigment gene. It turns out that most of the total number of red cats are cats. But this is not all the secrets of mushrooms. Surprisingly, there are no cats of this color without a pattern (tabby) on a fur coat. In addition, red stripes, marbling or spots can be combined with black or white colors.

At birth, a ginger kitten receives one chromosome from its father and mother. So a girl kitten has two sets of colors – from a cat and a cat on the “X” chromosome (XX), and a boy kitten receives “X” from a cat, and “Y” (XY) from a cat. Provided that the cat and the male have a red (red) color, all kittens of the litter will be red. In the case of paternity of a black cat, the cat will have female tortoiseshell kittens, and the male kittens will be red. Similarly, if a black cat and a male mated, all kittens would be black. But if paternity belongs to a red-haired handsome man, you should expect tortoiseshell cats and black cats. A real puzzle of colors was prepared by a tortoiseshell red cat, capable of giving birth to kittens of any color. From a black cat there can be black and tortoiseshell kittens-girls, and boys are expected to be both red and black. From a red cat, red and tortoiseshell kittens-girls and red and black kittens – boys will turn out. Therefore, knowing the color of the parents, it is possible to calculate the probability of the birth of red kittens, determining the sex of the newborn, based on the color.
Breeds of red cats and cats
Many well-known breeds have an attractive red color, but the color is also found among yard cats. Breeds of red cats allow variants of long-haired and short-haired representatives. What are these lucky breeds, ready to boast of a non-trivial color?
british redheads
Red Shorthair cat of the British breed will enchant cat lovers. This is an affectionate and calm breed. Its representative is a fiery red cat with a dense muscular body and thick plush fur, which does not leave indifferent anyone who gets to know him. Among the representatives of red British cats are considered a rarity: there are fewer of them than cats. The breed standard allows for about 250 color combinations of red shorthair cats and cats, in which solid colors play the main role.

The British Red coat is short, dense, fine textured, with a good undercoat. In the red color, a stiffer guard hair is allowed, not tight to the body. The fiery red British cats and cats have the main coat and undercoat of the same shade. Inclusions of a different color and uneven color are not allowed.
The chin, tip of the tail and belly area may be slightly lighter than the main color.
As a result of the experiment of crossing a British cat with Somali and Persian breeds, breeders have fixed luxurious long hair in the genotype. So, thanks to enthusiasts, the British breed standard allows long-haired representatives that look great in white and red color.
persian redheads
One of the most sought-after breeds, which has become a brand, thanks to the captivating appearance and antiquity of the breed itself. Her representative is a red fluffy cat with the character of a companion. Persians are sociable, loving, easily finding an approach to each family member. There are about 100 shades of Persian cats, and the red shade is no exception. The colors of the color are located in a wide range. This is a light red cat of tone from “coffee with milk” to rich red. But mushrooms among Persians are less common than others.

The standard is long hair, up to 12 cm, the structure is thick, fine and silky, a long collar on the neck, shoulders and chest. Such a fur coat needs careful regular combing. Since the breed standard allows all colors, the red shade will not affect the overall rating when participating in shows. The highest scores are given to cats and cats, except for the general appearance, having a uniform color.
Red Maine Coons
The representative is a large red cat of the Maine Coon breed – bright, prominent, with tassels on the ears, resembling a lynx. The size of Maine Coons can be 1 meter in length and weigh more than 10 kg. Despite the serious appearance, these are kind, peaceful, sympathetic cats that can get along with all family members and other pets, such as dogs.

White-red cat and cat – the most common color. Depending on the location and combination of tones, types differ:
- with bicolor color – a ratio of 50/50 white and red colors on the body, head and tail;
- when decorated with a harlequin — there are only a few red spots on the body, other colors are allowed, except for red and white;
- with van color – ears and head, less often the tail has a red color;
- with a white medallion color – a noticeable white spot on the chest and white socks on the paws;
- with a white tuxedo color – in addition to the white collar and socks on the paws, there is a red color throughout the body of the cat.
Siberian redheads
Courageous and loyal, Siberian red cats are known for their agility: they are born hunters, as they are descended from ancestors who lived in the steppes. Siberians are not averse to playing with children, but they do not recommend keeping them in an apartment: freedom-loving cats will not feel at ease in a small area, a country house is quite suitable for housing.
Representatives of the breed have a long lush coat and a double undercoat as standard. Siberian red cats with eyes of a rich orange-amber hue are a rarity and a subject of admiration for lovers of this breed, many catteries are exclusively engaged in selection of this type.
Cats with a striped pattern on a luxurious fur coat and white inserts on the front and paws look exceptional.

Turkish van
Turkish van is a rare breed with an original color. Representatives are distinguished by a strong physique, long muscular paws and grace. They are active and like to look down, climbing higher. And how interesting a red-haired kitten with blue eyes of this breed looks! The Turkish Van is a semi-longhair cat with no undercoat. The breed has a basic white color with red spots in the standard. That is, at least 80% of the surface is covered with white wool, the tail is red or chestnut shades with beautiful ring inserts. The same color should be spots at the base of the ears. Turkish Vans are often referred to as swimmer cats. Indeed, this cat is able to enjoy bathing, its coat structure is almost waterproof.

american curl
This is a relatively young cat breed, characterized by unusually curved ears. The American Curl is a very calm and intelligent breed. Despite an enviable temperament, cats have a balanced character. Representatives have a thin soft coat, which can be short or long. The breed standard allows white cats with red spots. The American Curl is similar in color to the Turkish Van breed. Namely: the white color goes over the body and head, and the tail and spots near the ears are painted in shades of red.
An interesting fact is that all representatives of the breed are descendants of a single cat born in the USA in 1981.

Variety of red
Everyone is attracted to this color of optimism and joy that adorns a pet. Since the cat has more color options, she passes them on by inheritance. Other tones that are given by ancestors also participate in the formation of wool shades. On closer examination, you can see that any red color of cats does not look solid, but patterned. Although breeders work hard, it is not possible genetically to achieve the ideal tone to get rid of tabbies. But what beautiful variations are obtained!

The white-red cat is the owner of the most popular color. But it is worth considering the dominant of the white color gene, which is expressed in the desire to suppress the white spotting of solid colors. Various forms of the same spotting gene, the partial spotting gene and the white recessive gene are included in the color work. And how bright the red-and-white kitten looks, which has become a brand of many well-known companies.
A spectacular gray-red cat is obtained if the D gene is present, which is responsible for color saturation. This gene colors the coat red. The most spectacular color can combine red, gray and white shades. Such cats are rarely purebred, but they are no less loved and recognized.

striped red
The red color cannot be solid; marble spots or stripes are always visible on the cat’s body. A tabby red cat is one of the main signs of a tabby – thin lines that outline the upper and lower eyelids with a clear contour, forming the letter “M” on the cat’s forehead.
Red marbled
Marble color has many varieties. We can say that the red marbled cat is shading the tabby pattern. In varying degrees of contrast, it occurs in red-colored cats. A heavily shaded tabby looks like a pure color. Moderate shading of tabby is associated with marble stains, and slight blurring shows the tabby more clearly.
Black with red
The color of a black cat with red spots is called tortoiseshell. This rare combination of colors, a red kitten receives from its parents, carrying the genes for black and red pigmentation of the coat. Cats are more likely to be carriers of a similar color. This color is found in Maine Coons and Persians.

Eye color in red cats
Few things are as mesmerizing as a cat’s eyes. In red cats, they seem especially bright in contrast with the color of the coat. A red cat with green eyes cannot leave anyone indifferent! The tone, as a rule, depends on the amount and density of the pigment in the iris of the eyes and can be inherited. What are the eyes of red cats? The color can be of any color, for every taste – green, orange, yellow, blue with a changing shade. You can choose a pet not only with a catchy red color or in a mixture of colors, but also with a certain eye color. The orange color of the cat’s eyes appeared as a result of selection work. This bright color of the irises is one of the most saturated shades in the range. However, the concept of “red eyes” among breeders does not exist, it is commonly called orange, and if the eyes have a deeper, darker shade – copper. In all depth, the color is revealed only with age: the eyes of kittens change in the process of growth. Guessing what tone they will bloom is not so easy. But if they already have a brownish tint, it can be assumed that as they grow older, they will turn orange. The combination of red color and orange eyes is typical for purebred cats and cats, because all the rich shades are the result of the meticulous work of breeders.

Features of the character of red cats
Despite the fact that all cats, of any shades and breeds, have much in common in character, the bright red cat stands apart here too. Such cats are the inspirers of artists and writers, the heroes of a considerable number of fairy tales of the world. One has only to remember Anna Akhmatova’s beloved cat and Joseph Brodsky’s penetrating poem about a ginger cat. Contemporary Russian artist Vasya Lozhkin dedicated a whole series of works to them.

Not only color lovers, but also professionals who professionally study the behavior of cats, red cats are noted by their character and habits, features that unite cats with a red color – cunning, ingenuity and intelligence. It is red cats that are chosen for training. Red kittens are distinguished by an increased interest in humans and enviable obedience. But this is not all the secrets of saffron milk caps! They are considered amulets, faithful defenders: they will not give offense either to themselves or to members of their family. There is an opinion that if a red cat courts a patient, the illness will disappear very soon, because the people of this color are considered by the people to be healers. As the legends say, if a red cat of any breed comes to a new house, it brings warmth, comfort and harmony, and a fiery red cat wanders into the house for money. A significant feature of the character of pets is kindness and condescending attitude towards children: once they make friends, they will generously forgive pranks and minor insults.

No matter how red cats are – complaisant or fidgety, cunning or hunters, any owner loves his pet because he is always there.
29 2020 June
Updated: September 12, 2020
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